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Diet Chart for Kidney Stones

In Ayurveda, it is known as Vrukka Ashmari, Vrukka means Kidney and Ashmari means stone. A kidney stone is a hard mass that forms from crystals in the urine. The most common types of kidney stones are calcium oxalate stones, cystine stones, and uric acid stones. 


As per Ayurveda, unhealthy diet and lifestyle habits lead to the aggravation of Doshas (Ayurvedic humors) and impairment of the digestive fire. This results in the deposition of Ama (toxins) in the body. When these toxins travel down the channels carrying urine, aggravated doshas combine with it and causing its crystallization, resulting in the formation of kidney stones.

Diet Plan for Kidney stones

A diet that is high in sodium, calcium and purine can trigger the development of kidney stones as it increases the amount of uric acid and calcium in the urine. To get rid of kidney stones, one must have to follow a healthy and balanced diet that is low in sodium and calcium content. Follow the given diet instructions and know the foods which are bad and good for consumption while suffering from Kidney stones.

Early morning- A glass of water + 1 tsp chia seeds

Breakfast- Veg Idli/ Veg Poha/ Veg Daliya (Broken wheat porridge)/ Veg Upma (Semolina)/ Brown bread sandwich/ Stuffed Chapatti/ Chapatti with Vegetable or Dal/ Curd + 1 egg white

Mid-morning- Lemon water/ Salad/ Sprouts/ Coconut water/ Fruit

Lunch- Veg Pulao/ Boiled rice/ Plain Chapatti/ Mixed Chapatti with Vegetable + Dal + Curd + Salad

Evening- Homemade soup/ Rice flakes snack/ Sprouts/ Herbal tea/ Flaxseed – 1 tsp/Coriander water

Dinner- Plain Chapatti/ Mix Chapatti with Vegetable + Dal + Curd

✔️ Cereals: Finger millet flour, Quinoa, Brown rice, Porridge, Barley, Oatmeal❌ Macaroni, Maggie, Pasta, Noodles, Bakery, White rice, White breads, White whole refined flour
✔️ Fruits: Apple, Oranges, Banana, Cantaloupe, Cherries, Banana, Melon, Plums, Green and Red grapes, Honeydew, Peaches, Lemon, Dates, Watermelon, Pears❌ All canned and packaged fruits, Dried fruits, Blackberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Cranberries
✔️ Vegetables: Round gourd, Pumpkin, Ridge gourd, Bottle gourd, Mushrooms, Zucchini, Onions, Squash, Lettuce, Cauliflower, Asparagus, Broccoli, Cucumber❌ Okra, Bell pepper, Eggplant, Sweet potato, Squash, Beets, Beans, Celery, Green peppers, Green onions, Carrots, Peas, Soybean, Rhubarb, Spinach and Frozen vegetables
✔️ Pulses: All pulses and legumes❌ Dried and frozen pulses
✔️ Dairy products: Yogurt and Curd❌ Whole milk and cream, Tofu Cottage cheese, Condensed milk, Cream cheese, Full fat yogurt
✔️ Spices: Black pepper, Rock salt, Fenugreek, Coriander, Carom, Cumin, Mint, Turmeric, Fennel❌ Red chili
✔️ Drinks: Amla juice, Lemon water, Aloe Vera juice, Bitter Gourd juice, Carrot juice, Homemade soup❌ Coffee, Tea, Canned soup, Packaged soup, Carbonated beverages, Alcohol
✔️ Flesh foods: Egg-white, Lean meat, Tuna, Salmon❌ Meat (can be taken in limited amount), Fish fried, Prawns, Lobster, Crab, Lean beef, Pork, Lamb, Ham, Turkey, Rabbit, Egg yolk, Goose, Meat pies, Visible fat on meat, Chicken skin, Liver, Kidney, Chest, Codfish, Herring, Mussels, Scallops, Shrimp
✔️ Nuts and Dry Fruits: Almond, Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds, Flaxseeds❌ Peanuts and Cashew nuts
✔️ Fats: Olive oil, Mustard Oil, Cow ghee & Coconut oil❌ Butter, Palm oil, Cream, Unsaturated fats
✔️ Other foods: Jaggery, Honey and Homemade foods❌ All bakery and processed foods, Spicy foods, Too much Salty foods, Deep-fried foods, Junk foods, Pickles, Chutneys, Butter-scotch, Dark chocolate, Cream soups, Ice-cream, Mayonnaise, Jams, Fruit Jellies, Sauces, Biscuits, Cakes, Puddings, Pastry

Doctor Tips

  1. Go for a walk for at least 45 minutes daily
  2. Whole fruits should be preferred instead of fruit juices
  3. Avoid skipping meals, especially breakfast
  4. Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day
  5. Be physically active and do running, cycling, jogging, etc.
  6. Avoid taking calcium supplements.

Find a Diet Consultation Online: Get Personalized diet chart for kidney stones

At Life Aveda, we provide personalized diet consultation. In this, a doctor discusses the medical history of patients, does the root analysis on causes. After the deep analysis doctor suggest a diet chart for kidney stones as per their needs and requirement. To book a Consultation call on us at +91 7743002520 or click on the button to schedule an appointment with our expert doctors.

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NOTE- These dietary guidelines may vary from patient to patient according to their medical parameters. These are generalized guidelines that might help in getting rid of Kidney stones.

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