Fatty liver or hepatic steatosis is a condition in which excess fat builds up in the liver. Having normal amounts of fat in the liver is quite normal but large amounts of fats can lead to a health issue. Basically there are no noticeable symptoms of fatty liver disease but the patient may feel fatigue and discomfort in the upper portion of the abdominal area.


As per Ayurveda, Fatty liver disease occurs due to imbalance of Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha). The liver is associated with fire or Pitta dosha as it is important to food digestion and elimination. These doshas may get imbalanced due to excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, increased levels of triglycerides, genetic factors, metabolic abnormalities, etc.

Diet for Fatty Liver Disease

To treat Fatty Liver disease, a proper diet plan must be followed by the patient along with the medicines. It is compulsory to know about the foods which are helpful and not causing hindrance in the liver’s recovery. Follow the given diet instructions and read the foods which are good and bad while sufferin from Fatty liver disease.

Early morning – One glass water + 1 tsp. Fenugreek seeds/ Barley water

Breakfast – Veg Idli/ Veg Oats/ Veg Poha (Rice flakes)/ Veg Sewian (Vermicelli)/ Veg Upma (Semolina)/ Veg Dalia (Broken wheat porridge)/ Chapatti with Vegetable or Dal/ 1 egg (white portion only)

Mid-morning – Coconut water/ Salad/ Fruits

Lunch – Boiled rice/ Plain Chapatti/ Missi roti + Vegetable or Dal + Steamed salad + Curd/ Grilled fish/ Chicken (once a week)

Evening – Herbal tea/ Sprouts/ Green tea/ Roasted chana + Rice flakes

Dinner – Plain Chapatti/ Missi Chapatti/ Boiled rice with Vegetable + Dal + Steamed salad


✔️ Cereals: Brown rice, Soybean, Porridge, Whole grain cereals, Oats, Whole wheat flour/ Quinoa/ Millet/ Puffed rice/ Rice flakes

✔️ Chapatti Ratio- Wheat flour (50%) + Soybean (25%) + Millet (25%)

❌ Corns, Refined flour and its products
✔️ Pulses: All pulses and lentils❌ Frozen pulses
✔️ Fruits: All fruits❌ Coconut, Banana, Dates, Sapodilla, Mango, All frozen and canned fruits
✔️ Vegetables: Potatoes, Parsley, Green peas, Red pepper, Bell pepper, Cauliflower, Bitter gourd, Round gourd, Ridge gourd, Bottle gourd, Cabbage, Beans, Garlic, Onion, Carrots, Broccoli, Asparagus, Spinach and Kale❌ Eggplant, Jackfruit, Sweet potatoes, Yam, Chili peppers, Dried beans, Taro roots, over cooked or baked vegetables

✔️ Flesh foods: Lean meat, Roasted or Grilled meat, Egg (white portion only), Fish like Salmon, Tuna and Sardines

Consume these foods occasionally

❌ Fried, smoked and canned meats, Hot dogs, Goose, Duck, Mutton, Fish roe, Egg yolk, Rabbit, Veal, Turkey, Ham, Lamb, Pork, Lean beef, Lobster, Crab, Organ meat like Chest, Kidney and Liver
✔️ Spices: Fenugreek, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Coriander, Black pepper, Thyme, Cumin, Turmeric, Fennel, Rock salt (limited)❌ Table salt (avoid excessive intake)
✔️ Dairy Products: Low-fat yogurt, Curd, Low-fat milk (occasionally)❌ Cottage cheese, Full fat yogurt, Cocoa butter, Condensed milk, Cream cheese, Whole milk and cream
✔️ Dry fruits and seeds: Almonds, Walnuts, Sunflower seeds, Chia seeds, Flax seeds❌ Cashew nuts, Raisins, Peanuts, Pistachio
✔️ Fats: Mustard oil, Soybean oil, Rice bran oil, Cow ghee, Canola oil and Olive oil❌ Coconut oil, Palm oil, Butter, Trans fat foods and Hydrogenated oil
✔️ Prepared foods: Jaggery and Homemade foods❌ All bakery products, Cakes, Biscuits, Sauces, Fruit jellies, Jams, Mayonnaise, White sugar, Ice cream, Coconut bar, Dark Chocolate, Cream soups, All spicy and junk foods, Too much salty foods, Soya sauce
✔️ Drinks: Herbal tea, Beetroot juice, Green tea, Homemade soups, Buttermilk, Coconut water, Barley water, Pomegranate juice, Gooseberry juice, Aloe Vera juice❌ Alcohol, Coffee, Tea, Diet soda, Chocolate drinks, Squashes, Sweetened drinks, Canned soup and packaged soup, Cream based liqueurs, Whole milk drinks


Other Tips

  1. Do some physical workout for 30-45 min daily
  2. Prefer whole fruits rather than fruit juices
  3. Don’t skip the meals, mainly the breakfast
  4. Consume 8-10 glasses of water daily
  5. Cleanliness and hygiene should be maintained
  6. Take 5-6 soaked almonds daily

NOTE – These dietary guidelines may vary from patient to patient according to their medical parameters. These are generalized guidelines that might help in reversing Fatty liver.