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Triphala for Hair Growth

Triphala for Hair Growth: Does it Really Work?

People are constantly looking for natural remedies and products that will aid in promoting hair care by maintaining healthy and glossy hair. Triphala, an Ayurvedic herbal cure renowned for its many health advantages, is one such remedy that has grown in popularity in recent years. However, does Triphala actually promote …

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How to Use Neem for Hair Growth and Glowing Skin

How to Use Neem for Hair Growth and Glowing Skin

For centuries, Ayurvedic practitioners have revered Neem as a “wonder herb” for its remarkable health benefits. Neem is highly valued for its ability to promote radiant skin and strong, lustrous hair, in addition to its well-known healing properties. This blog will look at Ayurvedic approaches to using Neem for achieving …

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Giloy uses

How to use Giloy for different Diseases?

Giloy which is commonly known as Guduchi in Hindi and Tinospora cordifolia in scientifically is regarded as highly effective and highly nutritional. Giloy stem, its roots, and leaves are quite helpful in many diseases like fever, allergy, cold, hair loss, skin diseases, etc. The shloka of Charak Samhita says that …

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महिलाओं में गंजापन (फीमेल पैटर्न बाल्डनेस) आने के मुख्य कारण, लक्षण और घरेलू उपचार!

महिलाओं में गंजापन (फीमेल पैटर्न बाल्डनेस) आने के मुख्य कारण, लक्षण और घरेलू उपचार!

आपकी जानकारी के लिए बता दें कि पहले गंजापन सिर्फ पुरुषों को ही परेशान करता था, परन्तु वर्तमान समय में महिलाओं में गंजेपन कि यह समस्या आम हो गई है| इसे आधुनिक चिकित्सा में एंड्रोजेनेटिक एलोपेसिया यानी फीमेल पैटर्न बाल्डनेस के नाम से जाना जाता है। बता दें कि दिखने …

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remedies for hairfall

Home Remedies for Hairfall

With the continuous increase in daily stress levels, degrading food quality, harmful lifestyle habits like smoking, coupled with genetic disorders, the age at which people have started experiencing hairfall has fallen drastically. In scientific terms, hairfall is also known as alopecia or baldness. It means loss of hair from the …

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