What is ITP?

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura or ITP is a condition in which the individual feels excessive bruising or bleeding. ITP is a disease that mainly develops due to unusually low levels of platelets in the blood.

The main reason behind the ITP is the deficiency of the platelet cells in the blood due to abnormal functioning of the body’s immune system.

Formerly, the exact reason behind the development of ITP is not known that’s why it is called as Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura in which idiopathic means “unknown”.

Patients suffering from ITP can feel purple bruises as well as tiny reddish-purple dots that appear like a rash.

This disease can get developed in both children and adults at any age. In children, ITP occurs after a viral infection while in adults; ITP may be the result of abnormal immune systems and genetic defects.

ITP is a non-contagious disease which means it can’t be passed from person to person.

Types of ITP Disease

The ITP disease can be mainly classified into two types:

  1. Acute ITP: It is the most common type of ITP in children and typically lasts less than six months.
  2. Chronic ITP: This type of ITP mainly lasts for six or more months and most commonly develops in adults, although teenagers and young children can also get diseased by this.

Symptoms of ITP

In many patients, Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura or ITP don’t show any signs and symptoms. But symptoms occur, they may include:

  • Bleeding beneath the skin that looks like pinpoint-sized reddish-purple spots
  • Excessive or easy bruising
  • Bleeding from the nose or gums
  • Prolonged bleeding from the cuts
  • Blood in the urine
  • Blood in the stools
  • Unusually heavy bleeding during menstrual flow

Causes of ITP

In the past, the word “idiopathic” was used with this disease because the exact cause of this disease was not understood well. However, now doctors cleared that the abnormal functioning of the immune system is responsible for less or no production of platelet cells in the body. Thus, the new name of this disease is immune thrombocytopenia.

In the condition of ITP, the immune system begins to release antibodies against the platelets which further interfere with the normal functioning of the platelets. These platelets are destructed and removed by the spleen which results in a decreased number of platelets in the body.

In the case of ITP in children, a virus is responsible while ITP usually develops over time in adults.

As per Ayurveda, excessive intake of hot, bitter and sour things can result in vitiation of Pitta dosha which combines with the blood tissue. Pitta is produced in the blood and when it gets mixed in the blood, it can vitiate the blood. As a result, heat is produced in the blood and destroys the blood cells. 

Risk factors

The factors which can increase the risk of being infected with the ITP include:

  • Being a young women
  • Suffering through diseases like lupus, arthritis, and antiphospholipid syndrome

 Complications in ITP

The major complication associated with the ITP disease is bleeding in the brain which can threaten life.

ITP can also induce the risk of heavy bleeding at the time of delivery of a pregnant woman. This condition can also negatively affect the health of the baby.

Some other possible complications of the ITP include diabetes, loss of muscle mass, osteoporosis, etc.

How to diagnose ITP?

To diagnose ITP, the doctor will make effort to exclude other possible causes of bleeding and a decrease in the number of platelet counts. The doctor will ask for the complete medical history, symptoms, and family history of having ITP.

The doctor may also recommend several blood tests to determine the levels of Chlorophytum borivilianum platelets in the blood. If the report shows less than normal levels of platelets, the adults might undergo a bone marrow test to rule out other problems associated with ITP. This is done to check if the bone marrow is in a normal condition or not.

Treatment of ITP

If you or your known one is suffering from the ITP disease, then there is no need to be anxious. There is an effective and permanent treatment of ITP disease in the Ayurveda system of medicine.

Ayurveda is the oldest and traditional medicinal system that originated 7000 years ago within India. All the medicines of the Ayurveda medicinal system are prepared from herbs collected by nature that show their healing effects in a completely natural manner without giving any side effects.

By following the basic principles and fundamentals of Ayurveda, Life Aveda prepared some wonderful herbal medicines for the treatment of ITP. All the herbal products of Life Aveda are totally natural, organic, and prepared under the supervision of experienced Ayurvedic doctors. Their vast experience in the field of Ayurveda plays an important role in the use of herbs to treat various ailments.

There is no preservative, chemical, flavor, color, heavy metal or artificial substance is present in these medicines. Thus, all the herbal medicines of Life Aveda are 100% safe for consumption by any person of any age. Take a look at the marvelous herbal medicines of Life Aveda for the treatment of ITP.

Diet Plan for ITP Patients

A healthy diet plan is very important for ITP Patients to recover in a paced manner. Here are the required dietary recommendations that can help you in increasing the platelet counts and managing ITP.

Early morning – Take 1-2 glasses of lukewarm water/ Papaya leaves juice (1-2 tablespoon), 1 Amla, 4-5 overnight soaked almonds

Breakfast – Veg Idli/ Veg Poha (Rice flakes)/ Veg Upma (Semolina)/ Veg Oats/ Veg Dalia (Semolina)/ Sewian (Vermicelli)/ Chapatti with Vegetable or Dal

Mid-morning – Herbal tea/ Fruits/ Arjun tea/ Pomegranate juice/ Beetroot juice/ Papaya juice/ Green coconut water/ Pumpkin juice/ Carrot juice

Lunch – Veg Khichdi/ Boiled rice/ Veg Pulao/ Plain Chapatti/ Mixed Chapatti with Vegetable + Dal + Salad

Evening – Herbal tea/ Arjun tea/ Sprouts/ Red juice

Dinner – Plain Chapatti/ Boiled rice/ Khichdi/ Dalia/ Sabudana khichdi/ Vegetable + Dal + Salad

Best Food for ITP patients to consume and Avoid


✔️ Cereals: Pearl millets, Finger millets, Brown rice, Oatmeal, Whole wheat ❌ White refined flour
✔️ Fruits: Custard apple, Muskmelon, Watermelon, Kiwi, Papaya, Pear, Peach, Banana, Apple, Amla, Chikoo, Pomegranate, Pineapple, Mangoes, All citrus fruits like Plum, Figs, Lemon, Orange ❌ Fruits with high pesticides
✔️ Vegetables: Turnip, Lettuce, Cabbage, Cucumber, Carrot, Radish, Round Gourd, Bottle gourd, Peas, Sweet potatoes, Kale, Spinach, Broccoli, Beetroot, Pumpkin, Green leafy vegetables, Bell peppers ❌ Eggplant, Tomato, Ginger, Garlic, Onion
✔️ Pulses: Split red lentils, Split chickpeas, Green gram ❌ Horse gram, Black gram
✔️ Dairy Products: Goat milk (1 small cup/day) ❌ Yogurt, Raw milk, Buttermilk, Cheese, Curd, Milk, and its products
✔️ Oils: Canola oil, Olive oil, and cow ghee ❌ Butter, Coconut oil, Palm oil, Cream, and unsaturated fats
✔️ Spices: Fennel, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Cumin, Black pepper, Mint, Coriander, Fenugreek ❌ Clove, Green chilies, Red chilies, Excess salt
✔️ Drinks: Wheatgrass, Green tea, Herbal tea, Aloe Vera juice, Beetroot juice, Pomegranate juice, Carrot juice, Red juice, Green juice, Pumpkin juice, Coconut water ❌ Alcohol, Carbonated drinks, Packaged fruit juices, Canned or packaged soups
✔️ Flesh foods: Egg whites, Chicken soup (Occasionally) ❌ Red meat, Seafood, Fish, Lamb, Pork
✔️ Dry fruits and seeds: Walnuts, Raisins, Almonds (Soaked) ❌ Sunflower seeds, Chia seeds, Flax seeds, Cashew nuts, and Pistachio
✔️ Other foods: Homemade only ❌ All bakery products, Cakes, Biscuits, Sauces, Fruit Jellies, Jams, Mayonnaise, White sugar, Ice cream, Coconut bar, Dark Chocolate, Cream soups, All spicy and junk foods, Too many salty foods, Soya sauce

Doctor Tips for ITP Patients

  1. Workout for 30-45 minutes daily
  2. Prefer eating whole fruits instead of fruit juices
  3. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily
  4. Consume 6 soaked almonds early in the morning
  5. Avoid skipping meals, mainly the breakfast

Lifestyle and home remedies For ITP Patients

Some lifestyle changes and home remedies are also helpful in treating the ITP. If you have immune thrombocytopenia, try to:

  • Avoid playing contact sports

The sports like football, martial arts, boxing, etc can increase the risk of bleeding, especially in the brain. Try to participate in such kinds of dangerous activities as little as you can.

  • Observe signs of infection

If the doctor has removed your spleen, be alert and watch for the signs of infection such as fever. Infection can get developed into a life-threatening form without spleens.

  • Prevent usage of over-the-counter medications without doctor’s consultation

Usage of drugs such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and others that can affect the platelet counts should be avoided without the consultation of your doctor.

Ayurvedic Medicine for ITP

Life Aveda ITP care pack aims to prevent bleeding, helps in low platelet count. It consists of Giloy Capsules, Plato G, Wheatgrass, Carica Papaya, Ghandhak Rasayan.

Life Aveda ITP Care Pack

Plato G– 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after 30 mins of meals

Giloy Capsule– 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after 30 mins of meals

Carica Papaya– 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after 30 mins of meals

Ghandhak Rasayan -1 tab twice dailly with plain water after 30 mins of meals

Immunity Enhancer -1 tab twice dailly with plain water after 30 mins of meals

Wheatgrass – 1 tab twice dailly with plain water after 30 mins of meals

Frequently asked questions:

Q1: Is ITP disease curable?

Ans: Yes, you can treat ITP disease completely with Ayurvedic medicines. Ayurvedic medicines show their effect in a completely natural way without showing any side effects.

Q2: What foods decrease platelets?

Ans: The foods having a huge negative impact on the platelet count are alcohol, cow’s milk, quinine (found in tonic water), tahini, and cranberry juice.

Q3: Can ITP patients take Covid Vaccine?

Ans: There is no impact of the Covid vaccine on the ITP. The patients suffering from ITP can take all the vaccines.

Q4: Is milk beneficial for ITP? 

Ans: Milk is a rich source of protein, calories, and various other nutrients but it can also affect the normal production of the platelet cells in the body and contribute to mucus formation.

Q5: What foods are good for increasing platelets naturally?

Ans: Food items having large quantities of protein such as lean meat, turkey, crab, chicken, and fish can increase the platelet counts in the blood. Also Foods with Vitamin B-12 and zinc.

Q6: How can I improve my ITP?

Ans: Patients suffering from ITP disease can consume Ayurvedic medicines of Life Aveda along with some changes in their diet habits to treat ITP naturally.

Q7: Can I drink coffee while suffering from ITP?

Ans: No, drinking coffee can reduce platelet aggregation and increase phenolic acid platelet concentration.


The treatment of ITP should be taken at the right time to prevent its dangerous effects and complications in the body. In this article, you’ve read the various aspects of the ITP and the herbal remedies to treat the ITP in a completely natural manner. Above mentioned herbal products of Life Aveda are 100% safe and effective in treating the ITP in a natural way. Any person of any age can use their products to get rid of ITP disease.

Find a Diet Consultation Online: Get Personalized Diet Chart for ITP

At Life Aveda, we provide personalized diet consultation. In this, a doctor discusses the medical history of patients, does the root analysis on causes. After the deep analysis, the doctor suggests a diet chart for ITP patients as per their needs and requirement. To book a Consultation call on us at +91 7743002520 or click on the button to schedule an appointment with our expert doctors.

NOTE – These dietary guidelines may vary from patient to patient according to their medical parameters. These are generalized guidelines that might be helpful in reversing ITP.

Reference links:

  1. https://www.hematology.org/covid-19/covid-19-and-itp
  2. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/idiopathic-thrombocytopenic-purpura/symptoms-causes/syc-20352325
  3. https://www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/dlp/platelet-information.html
  4. https://www.healthline.com/health/idiopathic-thrombocytopenic-purpura-itp#causes
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