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Top 5 Benefits Of Shatavari that make it a must-have herb

We frequently turn to numerous herbs and supplements in our search for ideal health and well-being. Shatavari stands out among the plethora of possibilities as a potent plant prized for generations in Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medical system. Shatavari herb , a herb derived from (Asparagus Racemosus) is a daily …

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How Ashwagandha Can Boost Your Immune System

How Ashwagandha Can Boost Your Immune System

A strong immune system is more crucial than ever during the current times. Ashwagandha’s capacity to strengthen the immune system has been widely acknowledged and verified by coventional Ayurveda. Taking Ashwagandha for immunity building and strong resistance is extremely effective due to its bioactive nature and adaptogenic properties. We’ll look …

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Benefits of Bhojpatra, Medicinal Uses, Dosage, and side effects

Bhojpatra | Betula Utilis

Benefits of Bhojpatra, Medicinal Uses, Dosage, and side effects Bhojpatra is the most commonly used herb in Asian times for the treatment of bleeding, wound cleaning, earache, and various psychiatric disorders. During the time of our acharya, its bark was used as paper. Then there were no papers the horoscopes …

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नींद नहीं आने के कारण, लक्षण, घरेलू उपाय और आयुर्वेदिक उपचार! : Life Aveda

नींद नहीं आने के कारण, लक्षण, घरेलू उपाय और आयुर्वेदिक उपचार!

अनिद्रा (Insomnia) से परेशान व्यक्ति को रात में काफ़ी देर तक बिस्तर पर पड़े रहने से भी नींद नहीं आती है। आयुर्वेद की माने तो यह किसी भी प्रकार की बीमारी नहीं बल्कि किसी दूसरे रोग से या फिर मानसिक असंतुलन से होने वाली समस्या है। बता दें कि इसके …

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Stress management for kids in pandemic time

Stress management for kids in Pandemic Time

The outbreak of Covid is not only a matter of concern for adults or elders but kids are also in the spotlight. Closing of schools might be a pleasant thing for the kids but getting stuck at home for a long duration, being isolated from friends are some things which …

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Stress Management Tips

A to Z Guide to Stress Management

In this hectic lifestyle, stress is not less than the evil that is gradually spoiling our mental as well as overall health. Suffering from excess stress can put you at the risk of cardiovascular diseases, blood disorders, brain problems, and many other life-threatening situations. Stress is an unpleasant condition from …

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10 Stress Management Tips for Parents

10 Stress Management Tips for Parents

Being a parent is not easy, responsibilities of children, workload of the job, personal issues, relationships, and many more can develop stressful conditions. Over 55% of the entire world’s population experience stress during their life span.  The stress on the parents can put a strain on the whole family — …

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Stress Management In The Face Of Infertility

Stress Management In The Face Of Infertility

Suffering from infertility can be frequently compared to deal with cancer when it is a matter of stress levels. Struggling with infertility and the desire of getting a baby can suppress your mental health under a heavy burden of stress. Pressure by family, relatives, and society to become a parent …

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