Benefits of Dhattura (Datura metel) , Medicinal Uses, Dosage, and Side Effects

Dhattura (Datura metel) Also known as thorn apple and is considered one of the deadliest plants because of its toxic components. Although this herb is poisonous but is used as a major ingredient in various Ayurvedic formulations after the purification method. If it is purified properly then it is a most surprising powerhouse of various medical components. In Ayurveda, it is used in various disorders related to skin and can be applied externally as well as used orally.

It is also used as a repellent and pesticide and often grown as ornamental in temperate to tropical areas of the world. It has several medicinal properties like anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, and anti-rheumatic and its flowers are anti-asthmatic. Roots, leaves, and seeds possess antidiarrheal, anti-catarrhal, and febrifuge properties.


Meaning of this shloka

This shloka means that Synonyms of dhattura are dhattura, dhurta, unmata, kankadvaya, devta, kitvasturi, mahamohi, shivpriya, matula, madan, and matuputraka. It works as acidity and aggravates vata dosha, Increases digestive fire, and treats fever as well as skin diseases. It is astringent, bitter, and sweet, kills lice, and ticks and treats itching, has hot potency, is heavy, balances Kapha dosha, and works as antimicrobial, anthelmintic, and antitoxic.

(Reference- Bhavaprakasha nighatu- guduchyadi varga- page no. 303 and shloka no. 85-87)

Botanical name- Dhatura metel

Family- Solanaceae

Dhattura (Datura metel) Names in different languages

  • Hindi Name- Sada Dhatura
  • English Name- Devil’s trumpet, Thorn apple, Metel
  • Malayalam Name- Dhattura, Unmatta
  • Bengal Name- Dhattura
  • Marathi Name- Dhattura
  • Tamil Name- Vella- Ummathai/ Ummattangani
  • Kannada name- Unmatta, Dhattura
  • Gujarati name- Dhattura
  • Telugu Name- Ummetta
  • Arabian name – Datur
  • Farsi name – Tatur

Dhattura (Datura metel) Synonyms in the Sanskrit language-

  • Kanakahvya (seeds are golden yellow colored),
  • Dhurta, Umatta, Matula- shows the hallucinating effect on the body
  • Shivapriya- flowers are useful in worshiping Lord Shiva.
  • Other synonyms are Matulaputraka, Dhuttura, Kanaka,

Morphological characteristics of Dhattura (Datura metel)

Dhattura Is an annual herb that is erect, large that grows up to the height of 3 ft. It is having dark Violet shoots with broad leaves that are dark Violet as well. Its leaves are Oval to broad Oval, simple, and are dark Violet with an alternate arrangement. Flowers are greenish-white or maybe red, yellow, and Violet that is pleasantly scented and hypogynous. Seeds are covered with many tapering bumps and few spines. The roots of this plant are cylindrical and have lateral branches batter brown and contain fissures.

Habitat of Dhattura (Datura metel)

Dhattura is found in tropical parts of India and temperate parts of the Himalayas. It is also cultivated in Bangladesh on fallow lands and roadsides and also found in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda.

Chemical Constituents of Dhattura (Datura metel)

Hyoscyamine, Scopalamine, Fastudine, Daturadiol, Allantoin, Niacin, Tropine, Vitamin C, Meteolodine, Fastusic acid, Noratropine, hyosine, etc.


  • Shweta- it is of white variety: Latin name- Datura stramonium
  • Krishna– it is of black variety: Latin name- Datura Metel

According to Raja nighantu, there are five varieties of Dhattura viz. Peeta (yellow), Neela (blue), Krishna (black), Shveta (white),and  Rakta (red) varieties.

Medicinal properties of Dhattura (Datura metel)

  • Rasa (Taste)- Katu (pungent) and Tikta (bitter)
  • Guna (Quality)- Rooksha (dry) and Laghu (light)
  • Veerya (Potency)- Ushna (hot)
  • Vipaka (undergoes pungent taste after digestion)- Katu (Pungent)
  • Effect on tridosha- Balances vata and kapha dosha

Medicinal uses as per Ayurveda

  • Kantikari- On applied externally it improves skin quality.
  • Vrananut- On applied externally it heals the wound quickly.
  • Artinut- Treats pain and inflammation by applying externally.
  • Kushtani hanti- Treats skin disorders.
  • Jvara- treats fever.

Therapeutic uses of Dhattura (Datura metel)

Cardiac disorders

In cardiac disorders, Dhattura Shows a positive effect because of cardioprotective and antioxidant properties by treating them naturally. Being a relaxant relaxes the cardiac system and calms the mind and prevents the patient from heart palpitations and arrhythmias. It helps to provide strength to muscles and lower the cholesterol level in the blood thus preventing the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, heart block, etc.


The chemical constituent ascorbic acid present in it makes it a well-known herb for improving immunity and fighting against microbes causing infections. Being antiviral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial, it not only helps in removing these germs from the body but also stops their further growth. Being a wound healer also facilitates mood healing and stimulates the production of WBCs in the body.


In insomnia, Dhattura Place a major role in calming the mind and inducing sleep. Being a natural sedative, it improves the duration and quality of sleep. It treats sleep disorders by soothing the nerves and manages properly the release of hormones that reduces pain in the body.


Being an antimalarial, it helps to reduce body temperature and inhibits the growth of parasites that causes malaria as well as prevents the aggravation of infection. Its fruit works effectively in different types of fever because of its antipyretic property and also shows good results in fever due to flu, influenza, and the common cold.

Part used– Root bark, Seed, Flower, and leaf

Dosage- 50 to 100 mg (purified seeds)

Side effects of Dhattura (Datura metel)

As Dhattura is a poisonous plant so it is contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, and small children. Its toxic effect can cause extreme thirst, dryness of mouth, blurred vision, increased heart rate, delirium, and hallucinations add me cause death due to respiratory failure.


From this article, it is concluded that Dhattura is a poisonous herb that is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. But after the purification of seeds, it can be used in pain, inflammation, wounds, fever, skin issues, asthma, dysuria, etc. Its excessive dose of impurified seeds if consumed then can cause blood vision, dryness of mouth, excessive thirst, hallucinations, delirium and may lead to death because of respiratory failure.

Some FAQs Related to Dhattura (Datura metel)

Ques: How Dhattura increase immunity?

The chemical constituent named ascorbic acid present in Dhattura helps in improving immunity and fights against the microbes causing infections.

Ques: Which part of Dhattura works as an antipyretic?

The fruit of dhattura works effectively in different types of fever because of its antipyretic property and also treats fever due to flu, influenza, and the common cold.

Ques: What is the dose of Dhattura seed powder?

Dhattura seed powder can be given in the dose of 50 to 100 mg.

Ques: What are the side effects of Dhattura?

Dhattura is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. If taken unpurified or in access doors can cause extreme thirst, dryness of mouth, blurring vision, increased heart rate, hallucinations, and may lead to death due to respiratory failure.

Note: Our purpose is to serve useful information related to Dhattura’s benefits, dosage, and other properties. It is advised to the patients not to consume this on the basis of this information. Before taking it as a medicine, it is better to have an expert opinion because dosage and treatment vary from patient to patient depending on their symptoms and medical history.

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