After the hit of the second wave of Covid-19, now the nation is suffering through a rapid increase in the cases of Black fungus (Mucormycosis) every day. Patients get infected with Black fungus just after they recover from deadly Covid-19. But the matter of concern is why black fungus is developing in a paced manner especially in the Covid patients! Don’t worry, all your questions about Black fungus will get answered in this article and you will get enough information that is necessary to stay safe from this infection.

What is Black Fungus?

Black fungus or Mucormycosis is a rare, invasive and fungal opportunistic infection which mainly affects the brain, the sinuses and the lungs and causes some serious complications in the body. This infection is developed by exposure to mucor mould (a microbial genus) which is commonly found in the manure and decaying fruits and vegetables, soil, plants, dairy products, stored grains and animal dung. It is a ubiquitous microbe present in the air which further enters into our nose and mucus when we breathe in the air. We usually get this microbe in our body but a healthy immune system destroys it and prevents its damaging action but it can develop into a life-threatening form in the patients with very weak immunity, diabetes, cancer or HIV/AIDS.

Doctors believe that Black fungus has a 50% mortality rate and it can get increased by the use of steroids which are a line of treatment for the critical and severe Covid patients. Steroids lower down the inflammation in the lungs of Covid patients and suppress the immune system to reduce the damage by coronavirus. It is thought that excess use of steroids is the major trigger in the cases of Black fungus. 

Black fungus is not a contagious disease and doesn’t spread from one person to another but microbes responsible for this infection are present in our environment which can easily enter our body. 

Symptoms of Black fungus

Black fungus or Mucormycosis can happen in any part of the body and the sign and symptoms of the black fungus depend upon the area in which infection occurs. If the infection develops in the sinuses and the brain, it is termed as Rhinocerebral mucormycosis and its symptoms include fever, headache, one-sided facial swelling and sinus or nasal congestion. 

If the infection gets developed in the lungs, then the patient experiences a severe cough, difficulty in breathing and pain in the chest. In the Covid patients, these symptoms become more severe and nagging.

The patients having infection in the digestive system may feel pain in the abdominal area, vomiting, nausea and gastrointestinal bleeding.

Who’s at risk of Black Fungus?

According to several researches and studies, black fungus is a rare infection and excessive use of steroids, chemotherapy drugs and the treatment which suppress the immune system can increase the risk of black fungus. Being a diabetic patient is also a risk factor as increased levels of sugar in the blood can decrease the immune power to defend the body against various disease causing microorganisms. Some other body diseases such as Cancer, HIV/AIDS can also lower down the body’s immune efficiency which is a risk factor for getting infected with Black fungus.

Treatment of Black Fungus

In modern science, the doctors use some antibiotics to treat the Black fungus or Mucormycosis in the patient. Sometimes surgery is also done in the patients to remove the infected or dead tissues from the body. This helps in preventing the spread of the infection in other body parts. But this surgery is not easy for the patient to undergo as the doctors remove some parts of the nose, eyes or the infected organ. It is a crucial surgery to treat the patients of black fungus.

As we know the major cause of Black fungus is the weak immune system, so make your immune system strong and capable to fight with infections by using Herbal medicines which provide strength to the immune system. Herbal medicines are formulated with herbs under the basic fundamentals of Ayurveda (7000 years old medicinal system). Herbal medicines show their action in a natural way and uplift the working of whole body systems without showing any side-effects. 

To help you in staying safe from the Black fungus and improving your immune health, LIFE AVEDA prepared IMMUNITY BOOSTER PACK with several effective herbal remedies which will boost your immune system and prevent you from being infected with a wide range of health-related ailments. This pack is 100 percent natural and independent from any artificial material like color, flavor, preservative, binder, filler, etc. Use this pack to boost your immune power and keep yourself safe from Black fungus. Take a look at this wonderful pack.



Premium Immunity Enhancer capsules are very powerful for increasing immune power and contain standardized extract of herbs such as Tulsi, Giloy, Amalaki, Haldi, Saunth, Ashwagandha and Cinnamon. All these herbs are known for their invading action against many diseases and enhancing immune health. Along with strengthening the immune system, these capsules are also beneficial for lungs and respiratory tract. Use Premium Immunity Enhancer capsules along with other formulations of the Immune booster pack to get protection from various dreadful diseases. 

Dosage:1 capsules twice daily with normal water after meals or as per directed by the physician. 


Giloy herb is a rich source of antioxidants and various health beneficial properties that maintain and uplift the health of the body’s immune system. The best quality extract of Giloy herb is processed in these Premium Giloy capsules which make these capsules highly capable for improving overall body health, rejuvenating the digestive system, eliminating the free radicals from the body and increasing the immune response to prevent numerous health related ailments. 

Dosage: 1 capsules twice daily with normal water after meals or as per directed by the physician. 


Premium Immunity Revival drops are a rich source of energy which detoxify and rejuvenates the body. Consumption of these drops will uplift the potential of your immune system to fight against various disease causing microorganisms. Along with that, these drops are also beneficial in keeping the respiratory tract healthy, reducing the secretion of excess mucus and removing harmful toxins from the body. Cough, cold and viral infections are also managed by these drops in an effective manner. 

Dosage: 4-5 drops twice daily with luke warm water water or as directed by the physician.


After Covid pandemic, now Black fungus is affecting a large portion of the entire world’s population. It is essential now to take mandatory precautions and actions to keep your family and yourself safe. Use above mentioned herbal remedies to provide strength to your immune system in a natural way. This will also help you in avoiding surgery and being admitted in the hospital to a great extent.