General Info

Nagkesar is a beautiful evergreen tree that grows up to a height of about 30mt and 90cm base diameter. Leaves are dark grey and dark green. The bark of the tree is dark ash grey with slender branches. Flowers have white petals and yellow stamen. The fruit of this plant is made up of 1-2 seeds – dark brown. The seed leaves are fleshy and oily. The flowers appear between March and July while the fruits appear between October and November. The hardwood of Mesua is deep red.
Nagakesar is very famous for its medicinal and commercial values. It is an herb common to the chaturjata group. Nagkesar matures slowly into a wood that is hard and heavy. It is cultivated as an ornamental tree because of its beauty. In Ayurveda, its important seed from the fact that It is very effective in bringing down the fever and providing relief from problems like migraines, vomiting, and UTIs. The flowers of Nagkesar have astringent qualities due to the various oils and oelo resins present in them. The flower oil is reddish-brown with the stamens of the flower embedded in it. These stamens look like Kesar. That is why owing to its ornamental shape and the stamens it is called Nagkesar. Meusol is the main component in the plant. Apart from this, the other chemical compounds present are mesuaferron, euxanthon, mesuaferrol, mesuagin, mammegin, and bioavin, etc.
The logs of this tree are very strong and used to construct beams, make wooden flooring and make furniture. The hardwood is used to make the plinths of the railway tracks. The seeds have an abundance of energy and proteins. The flowers are used commercially for stuffing pillows and in dyes and cosmetics.


  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Order: Malpighiales
  • Family: Calophyllaceae
  • Genus: Mesua
  • Species: ferrea


The tree of Nagkesar is found in abundance in the tropical regions of the world. It Is found in Sri Lanka, Nepal, the Philippines, Burma, and Thailand. It grows up to a height of 1500mt. In India, it is typically found in Tamil Nadu, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and along the Eastern and Western Ghats.

Ayurvedic Properties

Nagkesar has a kashay and tikta rasa, so it is an astringent with a bitter taste. It is a light dry herb with a laghu and ruksha guna. It is a sharp herb hence it is tikshna. It has hot potency or ushna viraya. It has a pungent metabolic property post digestion. Therefore, it has a Katu Vipaka.

Effects on Doshas

Nagkesar helps to balance the Vata and Kapha dosha. It is jvarahara and helps to bring down a fever. It aids a disturbed Kapha dosha by providing relief from nasal congestion and other respiratory problems. It helps to cleanse the body by removing the excess Ama (toxins) from the body.

Medicinal Uses of Nagkesar

    • Nagakesar is a very versatile anti-inflammatory herb that is used to treat various ailments and disorders.
    • Nagkesar oil, made from the flowers provides relief from various problems.
    • This herb helps to improve the digestion.
    • The flowers are very effective In curing asthma and impotency.
    • It detoxifies the body by removing the excess Ama (toxins).
    • It helps to deworm the digestive tract and cures infection due to worms in the stomach.
    • The stem of the flowers has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.
    • It helps to keep the heart healthy as a cardiac tonic.
    • This herb is an aphrodisiac that increases the libido.
    • The flowers are converted into a paste which helps to cure excessive sweating and bad body odor.
    • Fresh flowers are very beneficial for curing cough, excessive thirst, perspiration, and indigestion.
    • Nagkesar roots are the best antidote for poisoning in case of snake bite.
    • Flower buds are used to treat diarrhea and dysentery.
    • Nagkesar helps ot maintain the blood balance and blocks the blood. It treats all bleeding disorders – even excessive bleeding in menstrual cycles.
    • The paste of leaves is applied on the head to relieve pain in cough and cold.
    • The oil from the seeds is used to reduce inflammation and to cure rheumatism.
    • Nagkesar works wonders in curing problems related to skin disorders and infections.
    • The fruits help to cure gastric troubles. Ripe and unripe fruits are best used for gastric troubles.


    • Powder:- 1-3gm