General Info Makoy:

Makoy is a common short-lived weed in the form of a shrub that grows up to a height of 12 to 47 inches. It is a small, erect and soft
Ayurvedic herb with smooth and soft branches. The leaves of this weed plant are heart-shaped. The flowers are either green or white or a blend of both. The petals are curved in the end with yellow anthers. The fruits of this shrub are berries that are dark purple when young and red when ripe.
Makoy is oddly famous for its poisonous nature – in unripe berries. The leaves have a cleansing nature which when consumed results in too much sweating which helps to maintain a normal body temperature. Makoy has both internal and external benefits for the body. It is an analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory herb which is sedative in nature.

Makoy Habitat:

Makoy is found in abundance in woody areas and arid regions. Normally, it is grown along the roadsides and gardens. In India, it is mainly found in the Aravalli belt and the dry and desert regions. Internationally, it is distributed variedly in temperate Asia, Africa, Japan, and Europe.

Classification: The scientific name of Makoy is Solanum nigrum. The other name is Black Night Shade

  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Order: Solanales
  • Family: Solanaceae
  • Genus: Solanum
  • Species: S. nigrum

Ayurvedic Properties of Makoy

Makoy is bitter. Hence it has a tikta rasa. It is of slimy, light quality. Hence, it has a Snigdha and laghu guna. It does not have a hot potency but it does not have a cold potency either. Hence it is of Anushna Viraya. It has a Katu Vipaka. It tastes pungent post digestion.

Makoy Effects on Doshas as per Ayurveda:

It helps to pacify and balance all three doshas, hence it is called Tridoshagna (reduces all three doshas). According to the ancient texts of Ayurveda, it is a Rasayani, which means an Anti-aging, herb that results in the rejuvenation of cells and tissues. It acts as a Hrudya – a cardiac tonic and helps to keep the heart healthy and stable. It is a Vrushya – Aphrodisiac which improves stamina and Shukrada which makes the quality of the sperm better. It is a Sara that increases the mobility of the body and relieves constipation. It helps to improve the voice tone and quality by acting as a Svarya. Makoy is very good for the eyes. It is a Netrahita. With its combination of medicinal properties, it is one of the best healing herbs.

Chemical Components

The herb is loaded with chemicals like- Steroidal alkaloid glycosides, solasonine, alpha, sapogenin, diosgenin, epicatechin, gallic acid, naringenin, and some others.

Medicinal Uses of Makoy

  • Expectorant
  • Analgesic
  • Antiseptic
  • Skin diseases
  • Antibiotic
  • Anti-allergic
  • Anti-diabetic
  • Sedative
  • Diaphoretic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Cardiotonic
  • Good herbal diuretic

Medicinal Benefits of Makoy

  • The poultice of leaves helps to relieve the pain in joints.
  • A decoction of the roots in boiled water is used to cure insomnia and pain in the ears.
  • Stomatitis – inflammation in the mouth can be cured by just chewing the fresh leaves of the herbal plant. It helps to cure a lot of gum diseases and maintain oral hygiene.
  • A decoction helps to cure enlargement of the spleen.
  • A paste of the Makoy leaves helps to provide relief from all skin diseases and disorders.
  • Fresh leaves can be consumed in the diet as a vegetable also.
  • Makoy juice helps to cure ulcers of the stomach, reduce high fever, regulate menses in females and remove pain.
  • Makoy berries help to maintain healthy and glowing skin and cleanses the respiratory system.
  • Helps to treat diarrhea in infants.
  • A Decoction of stalk, leaves, and roots of this herb is beneficial for wounds, and cancerous sores.
  • It helps to treat various diseases of the eye and provides relief from irritation and itching.
  • Makoy makes the roots of the hair stronger.
  • Helps to treat urinary problems and restores the functioning of the kidneys.
  • Acts as an antidote for snake bites.


Makoy contains solanine and glycoalkaloid. The unripe berries of Makoy are green and extremely toxic – more than the ripe ones. Hence, unripe Makoy berries or any parts of the plants should be avoided or consumed only after consultation with a doctor, to avoid poisoning.