Benefits of Shatavari, overview, medicinal uses, dosage, and side effect
Shatavari is coined as the “Queen of Herbs” and this name interprets ‘she who possesses 100 husbands’ that shows effects on female reproductive organs not only for young women but also in their middle and elder years to help them in their natural phases of life, includes menopause.
It has been used in Ayurveda for many ages to treat various female health-related issues. This herb helps lactating mothers to lactate more and is also useful in treating male and female infertility, calms the mind, and induces sleep. In Australia, it is used to treat gastrointestinal disorders and to wash wounds externally.
Latin name: Asparagus racemosus
Family: Liliaceae

Meaning of shloka:
This shloka means that synonyms of Shatavari are Shatavari, bahusuta, vari, narayani, shatpadi, shatveerya, and pivari. It is of sweet and bitter taste, heavy, cold in potency, works as anti-aging, improves intelligence, digestive fire, and strength, good for eyes, increases semen quality and quantity, increases lactation for lactating mothers, treats diarrhea, Vata and pitta disorders, and also treats inflammation.
(Reference- Bhavaprakash nighantu- guduchyadi Varga- pg. 378 and shloka no. 184 and 186)
Shatavari Names in different languages:
- English name: Wild asparagus, Climbing asparagus, Buttermilk root
- Hindi name: Satavare
- Sanskrit name: Shatavari, Shatmuli, Shatvirya, Atirasa
- Punjabi name: Chhotta kelu
- Gujarati name: Shatavari
- Kannada name: Halavu makkala tayi beru, Majjige gadde, Ugurele gida
- Bengali name: Shatavar, Satamuli, Satmooli, Sainsrbel
- Oriya name: Pali, vari
- Tamil name: Thaner vittan kilangu, Thanneer vittaan kizhangu, Sadavare
- Arabic name: Shaqaqul, Shakakul
- Marathi name: Satavari
- Konkani name: Satavari
- Manipuri name: Nunggarei
- Malayalam name: Sathavari
- Urdu name: Satawar
Synonyms in the Sanskrit language:
- Atirasa, Madabhanjani, Peevari, Shatapadi, Satamuli, Suksmapatra, Satavirya, Indeevari, Vari, Bahutsuta
- Narayani: Divine, Auspicious
- Other synonyms are: Rukshyaprokta, Deevpika, Dveepishatru, Rukshyaprokta and Urdhvakantaka
- Categorization according to classical books:
- According to-
- Acharya Charaka:
- Vayasthapana- Group of herbs that show the anti-aging property.
- Balya- Herbs that provide strength and promotes immunity
- Madhura Skanda- Herbs that have sweet taste
- Acharya Sushruta:
- Pitta shamaka- Herbs that balance pitta dosha
- Vidarigandhadi
- Kantaka Panchamula
- Acharya Vagbhata:
- Vidarigandhadi
Morphological characteristics:
Shatavari is a perennial climbing herb that has hooked and straight branches and extends up to the height of 1 to 2 meters. The young branches of this herb are brittle and very delicate. Its flowers are white, have small spikes, and have fragrance.
Roots of Shatavari are radish-shaped, white, tuberous, tapered at the ends, and mainly found in clusters. But older Shatavari has thick and long roots. Its leaves are pine needles and are thin. Its fruits are like small berries which are purple to black in color.
Habitat of Shatavaria
Shatavri is found in Asia (Pakistan, Nepal, Australia, India, Sri Lanka, Himalayas) and also in Africa. In India, it is native to Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, West Bengal, and Gujarat. It is also found in Tropical and Subtropical forests.
Chemical constituents in Shatavari:
Asparamins A & B, Asparagamine A, Sarsapogenin, Spirostanolic, Sitosterol, Furistanolic saponins, Flavonoids, Diosenin, Rutin, etc.
Medicinal properties of Shatavari:
- Rasa (Taste): Madhura (Sweet) and Tikta (Bitter)
- Guna (Quality): Snigdha (Oily) and Guru (Heavy)
- Veerya (Potency): Sheeta (Cold)
- Vipaka (Undergoes taste conversion after digestion): Madhura (Sweet)
- Karma (Effect on Tridosha): Vatapittahara (Balances Vata as well as Pitta dosha)
Medicinal uses of Shatavari:
- Gulmajit: Shatavari is useful in abdominal tumors
- Medhya: It improves intelligence and concentration
- Shophajit: Treats swelling and acts as an anti-inflammatory
- Vrushya: Works as aphrodisiac
- Asrajit: Helps in treating blood disorders
- Kshayajit: Treats tuberculosis and other chronic respiratory disorders
- Shukrala: Increases semen, sperm quantity, and quality
- Pushtida: It is nutritious that provides nourishment
- Rasayanavara, Vaya sthapani, Ayushya: Works as a good anti-aging
- Stanyada: Improves production of breast milk
- Garbhaprada: Treats infertility
- Chakshshya: It improves vision and is useful in various eye disorders
- Pittasrahara: Helps in treating bleeding disorders like nasal bleeding
Medicinal actions of Shatavari:
Shatavari possesses various medicinal actions such as:
Anti-ulcerogenic, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-cancer, Immunomodulatory activity, Antioxidant activity, Anti-diabetic, Antidepressant, Anti-Candida, Antidiarrheal, Antimicrobial, Aphrodisiac, and Adaptogenic
Benefits of Shatavari:
- Shatavari provides support to the female reproductive system by toning and nourishing the organs.
- This herb maintains a hormonal imbalance in females.
- It also shows good results in Premenstrual syndrome symptoms by relieving pain and controlling blood loss during menstruation.
- It increases the production of breast milk for lactating mothers.
- In postmenopausal syndrome, it relieves menopausal symptoms like hot flashes. By increasing the production of estrogen, it makes up for low estrogen levels in women who are at the menopausal stage or have had oophorectomies or hysterectomies.
- It is mostly used in India as a best-known herb and for women-related disorders.
- Shatavari maintains the normal functioning of the immune as well as the digestive system.
- It also increases libido.
Shatavari Side effects:
- Sensitivity to Shatavari can cause skin reactions and pulmonary allergic reactions in most people.
- Patients who are suffering from edema due to kidney disorders or any impaired heart functioning should not use Shatavari.
- The patient should keep watch on their weight gain while using Shatavari.
- Females with massive fibrocystic breasts, estrogen-induced fibrocystic changes, estrogen-induced problems, or other problems should not use Shatavari.
Part used: Tuberous roots
Shatavari Dosage
- Dosage: Juice- 10 to 20 ml
- Decoction- 50 to 100 ml
- Power- 3 to 6 gm

Shatavari capsules help to regularise female hormones, manage menopausal symptoms, promote libido, maintain a healthy heart, combat depression, and aid in weight loss, this incredible herb does it all.
- Improves women reproductive health.
- Helps to maintain healthy hormonal levels.
- Helps to sail easily from menstrual to menopausal stages.
In this article, it is concluded that Shatavari is very helpful in treating various female reproductive disorders. In lactating mothers, it increases the production of milk and maintains the hormonal imbalance. But use it with precaution or as per the dose prescribed by your doctor.
Some FAQs
How to take Shatavari?
Take ¼ to ½ tablespoon of Shatavari with milk or honey after meals.
Can I take Shatavari daily?
Yes, you take Shatavari daily in the dosage of 500mg two times a day.
When is the best time to take Shatavari?
Shatavari can be taken with warm milk or water on n empty stomach or just one hour before a meal.
Is Shatavari useful in PCOS?
Yes, Shatavari is useful in PCOS because it improves follicular growth and development.
Note: Our purpose is to serve useful information related to Shatavari’s benefits, dosage, and other properties. It is advised to the patients not to consume Shatavari on the basis of this information. Before taking Shatavari as a medicine it is better to have an expert opinion because dosage and treatment vary from patient to patient depending on their symptoms and medical history.
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