Amla/Indian gooseberry benefits, medicinal properties, Ayurveda Treatment, Dosage, and side effects
Amla is considered the powerhouse of nutrients because it is loaded with various nutrients and is the richest source of vitamin C. Regular use of this herb helps to boost immunity and treats various health problems. As per Ayurveda, it is considered one of the best Ayurvedic Rasayan tonics that brightens the skin, improves eyesight, and purifies the blood. It is used as a medicine and food because it is stuffed with various miraculous health benefits that we can’t even imagine. It is the best fruit for maintaining equilibrium in three main doshas i.e., Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
Latin Name- Emblica Officinalis (prevention of cancer)
Family- Euphorbiaceae
Amla Names in different languages:
English Name- Indian Gooseberry
Hindi Name- Anwala, Amlika, Ambala, Amla, Awla
Punjabi Name- Ambala, Aamlaa, Ambul
Gujarati Name- Aamlam, Aavla, Aamli
Urdu Name- Amal khushk, Aamla
Malayalam Name- Nelli
Telugu Name- Usiri, Peddausiri, Amalakamu, Usheeri kayi, Usiri kaya, Putlayusirika, Nelli, Usirikayi
Kannada Name- Nellikay, Nelli
Assamese Name- Amlokhi, Amlaki, Amlok
Tamil Name- Nellikaay, Nellikkai, Perunelli
Manipuri Name- Heikru
Pali Name- Amalak
Bengali Name- Aamalaki, Aamla, Aamro, Amla
Manipuri Name- Heikru
Farsi Name- Amlaj
Konkani Name- Avalo
Arabic Name- Amlakhushk
Marathi Name- Avla, Aoulim Avil, Avalkati
Amla Synonyms in the Sanskrit Language:
Sheetaphala- It has coolant action
Amrutaphala- It is good as nectar
Dhatri- Takes care like a mother
Amalaki, Amalki- Has sour taste
Divya Shriphala- Fruit is auspicious
Vayasya, Avayastha- Works as anti-aging
Other synonyms are- Seeduphala, Shivam, Varshaphala, Seedurasa, Jatiphalarasa, Tishyaphala, Shanta, Vrittaphala
What Ayurveda Says about Amla

According to this shloka, synonyms of amla are vyasya, amalaki, vrishya, jaatiphalarasa, shiv, dhatriphala, shriphala, and amritaphala. Dhatri, trishyphala and amrita are also the names of amla. Amla has the same qualities as that of haritaki- treats bleeding disorders and diabetes mellitus, rejuvenating and anti-aging. Because of its sour taste, it alleviates Vata dosha, sweet taste, and coolant property reduces pitta dosha, dry and astringent taste reduces Kapha dosha i.e., it vitiates all the three doshas. Fruits those having hot or cold quality have the same hot or cold potency.
Reference: Bhavaprakasha Nighantu- Page no. 10 and Shloka no. 38-41)
Categorization according to Classical books:
According to-
Charaka Samhita: Kushtaghna- Group of herbs that are useful in treating skin diseases.
Kasaghna- Groups of herbs that treat cold, cough.
Vayasthapana- Group of herbs works as anti-aging.
Virechanopaga- Herbs that are used to induce purgation.
Jwaraghana- Herbs that are used to treat fever.
According to Acharya Charak, Amla is one of the fruits that can be used regularly on daily basis i.e., it is pathya.
Raja Nighantu- Aamradi varga.
Kaiyadeva Nighantu- Aushadi varga.
Shodala Nighantu- Guduchyaadi varga.
Dhanvantari nighantu- Guduchyadi varga.
Morphological characteristics:
Amla or Indian Gooseberry is a medium-sized tree that grows up to the height of 8 meters with a slightly curved trunk. Its branchlets are finely pubescent of 10 to 20 cm in length on which leaves are finely and closely set. These leaves are very tiny, simple, and attached to the base by these branchlets. Its flowers are small and greenish-yellow in color and fruits are spherical, yellowish-green with six vertical stripes. The taste of its fruit is bitter, sour, astringent, and it is a great source of fiber.
It is native to semiarid regions and plains of northern India. Various parts like Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Tamil Nadu are mainly preferred subtropical areas for cultivation. Its fruits are available from October to May during which they are collected as well as preserved for its availability throughout the year.
Main chemical constituents in Amla
Mucic acid 1- methyl ester, putrajivain A, chebulagic acid, L-malic acid, 1, 4-lactone 6-methyl ester, gallic acid, 2-o-gallate, elacocarpusin, mucic acid 2-o-gallate, 4-lactone 3-o-gallate, galloyl-beta-D-glucose, mucic acid 6-methyl ester 2-o-gallate, etc.
Morphological properties:
Rasa (Taste)- It has five tastes i.e., Madhura (Sweet), Amla (Sour), Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter), and Kashaya (Astringent).
Guna (Quality)- Sheeta (Cool) and Guru (Heavy)
Veerya (Potency)- Sheeta (Cold)
Vipaka (Undergoes taste conversion after digestion)- Madhura (Sweet)
Karma (Effect on tridosha)- Tridoshahara (Balances three doshas i.e., Vata, Pitta, and Kapha)
Medicinal uses according to Ayurveda:
- Raktapittaghna- It is used in bleeding disorders
- Daahahara- It relieves burning sensation in the body
- Rasayana- Acts as rejuvenation and anti-aging
- Jwaharahara- Used to treat fever
- Sarvadoshaghna- Balances three doshas i.e., Vata, Pitta, and Kapha
- Balances vata dosha because of sour taste
- Balances pitta dosha because of its coldness and sweetness
- Balances Kapha dosha because of its astringent and dry nature
- Pramehaghna- Used to treat diabetes and urinary tract disorders
- Vrushya- Works as aphrodisiac
- Kanthya- Improves voice, treats throat diseases, and is good for throat
- Hrudya- It is good for the heart and its related diseases
- Its churna is used to prepare a type of salt named Vida Lavana
Read About: Medicinal Benefits of Akhrot
Therapeutic uses of Amla:
Detoxification and elimination:
Amla promotes healthy detoxification because of its rich antioxidant property. Detoxification is not only done in the GI tract but also in tissues that help to balance agni throughout the body. Proper detoxification maintains bowel health.
Amla is a very effective herb in stimulating and tonifying the first stage of digestion. As its predominant taste is sour, Amla increases the digestive fire without aggravating pitta dosha. Being a natural cleanser, it helps to clean and protect the liver from harmful toxins which plays a major role in providing nourishment to the body.
Diabetes mellitus:
Amla can stimulate microcirculation and increase immunity that helps to maintain blood sugar levels mainly in those of pitta imbalance. This herb also balances urine excretion and balance blood sugar levels. It also increases the production of insulin naturally in the body through the pancreas.
It acts as a rejuvenating (rasayana) for the entire body as it promotes youthfulness, boosts immunity, and promotes the overall health of an individual. As a natural brain tonic, it increases memory power, awareness, and balanced emotion.
Part used:
Dried fruit and raw amla
Churna (Powder)- 1 to 3 grams
Saar juice- 10 to 20 ml
Chyawanprash- 1 tsp in the morning
From the above article, it is concluded that because of its coolant property it increases urine frequency. So take it with a pinch of sandalwood powder. It is safe to use during pregnancy and lactation. It is considered safe to use in children.
Note: Our purpose is to serve useful information related to Amla’s benefits, dosage, and other properties. It is advised to the patients not to consume Amla on the basis of this information. Before taking Amla a medicine it is better to have an expert opinion because dosage and treatment vary from patient to patient depending on their symptoms and medical history.
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