General Information of Giloy Herb, Medicinal uses, Ayurvedic Health Benefits, Dosage and Side effects

Giloy herb plant is essentially a herbaceous climber. It has a very special significance in the Hindu culture. It is also called Amrita – the root of immortality. It has greenish-yellow flowers. It is a powerhouse of medicinal and healing properties and is ranked very high in the Ayurvedic herbs. It is characteristically known for boosting immunity.

Giloy is the most famous herb because it has various medicinal uses and has been used in Ayurveda for many ages to treat anemia, asthma, jaundice, urinary tract disorders, fever, diabetes mellitus, etc.

This herb when grows and creeps on neem tree has high medicinal value than obtained from growing alone. As per Ayurveda, it is also considered under medhya rasayana.

The bark of Giloy is a thick stalk that is white and soft and filled with juices. The extract obtained from Giloy is highly medicinal whether to stitch the wounds or detoxify the body. The anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties of Giloy help to fight various viral and bacterial infections.

Although bitter it is a great help for enhancing the digestive system. Its anti-cancer properties help to prevent cancer. It cures bleeding disorders like piles and constipation. Its antibiotic properties help to reduce the microbes and keep the different types of fever at bay. The extract of giloy is mainly taken from its stem.


Giloy is also known as Gurach. The detailed classification of Giloy is given as:

  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Family: Menispermaceae
  • Order: Ranunculales
  • Genus: Tinospora
  • Species: Cordifolia

Names  of Giloy herb in different languages:

  • English name- Heart-leaved tinospora, Tinospora gulanchha, Heart-leaved moonseed, Indian Tinospora
  • Hindi name- Guruchi, Gurach, Giloy, Gulvel
  • Punjabi name- Gilogularich, Batindu
  • Marathi name- Guduchi, Amrita, Ambarvel, Amritavalli, Gulvel
  • Gujarati name- Galo, Gulo, Gado
  • Malayalam name- Chitamrith, Amritavali
  • Kannada name- Amrutaballi, Agniballi
  • Oriya name- Gulancha, Giloy
  • Tamil name- Kunali, Silam, Amritavalli, Amrida valli, Seendhil kodi, Pattigai, Seenthil kodi
  • Telugu name- Tippatige, Dussiramu
  • Sikkim name- Gurjo
  • Bengali name- Gulancha, Giloy
  • Assamese name- Hoguni-lot
  • Manipuri name- Ningthou khongli
  • Urdu name- Guluncha, Gurch
  • Mizo name- Theisawtlung
  • Nepalese name- Gurjo


Tinospora cordifolia thrives in a tropical climate. Since India is blessed with a tropical climate, hence it is native to India, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar.  It flourishes in the dry and deciduous forests. Hence, it is easily found in eastern India in the states of Bihar, West Bengal, and in the Southern States of Karnataka and Kerala.

Giloy Synonyms in the Sanskrit language:

  • Amrita/Amruta- It is the most commonly used synonym of giloy and it means nectar.
  • Guduchi- It guards the body against various diseases
  • Jwaranashini, Jwarari- It is used in fever
  • Chandrahasa- Resembles moon when stem cuts transversely
  • Chakralakshana, Chakrangi- Appears like a wheel in transverse section of stem
  • Chinnodbhava, Chinnaruha- Plant grows regularly even it is cut off several times
  • Other synonyms are- Kundali, Tantrika, Amravalli, Bhishakpriya, Nagakanyaka, Dhara, Ayattha, Guduchika, Jivantika, Devanirmita, etc.

Categorization according to classical books:

According to-Acharya Charak has divided giloy into various groups:

  1. Triptighna- Relieves early satiation
  2. Vayasthapana- A group of rejuvenating herbs
  3. Stanyashodhana- Herbs that cleanse breast milk
  4. Trishna nigraha- herbs that treat excessive thirst
  5. Daha prashmana- Herbs which reduces burning sensation

Acharya Sushruta-

Kakolyadi, Valli panchamoola, Guduchyadi, Patoladi, and Argagvadhadi varga

Bhavaprakash Nighantu-

Mentioned it under guduchyadi Varga

Kaiyadeva Nighantu-

Chaturbhadra- Guduchi, Musta, Ativisha, and Shunti

Acharya Charak has mentioned this herb under 4 medhya rasayana (brain tonic) in which its juice extract is administered.

Priya Nighantu-

Pippalyadi varga

Dhanvantari Nighantu-

Guduchyadi varga

Kaiyadeva Nighantu-

Aushadi varga

Morphological classification of Giloy Herb:

Giloy is a herbaceous, large, and glabrous climbing shrub with numerous elongated twinning branches. Its flowers are typically greenish-yellow and the leaves are heart-shaped, simple, alternate with long petioles, and are dark green. Its wood is soft, white, and porous.

Its stem is given a yellow tint on cutting and flowers bloom in June while fruits occur in November. After ripening the fruits turned red and aggregates in 1 to 3 small and ovoid shapes.

It is native to all tropical regions of India that are situated above 1200 meters from the sea level of Kumaon to Assam. It is also found in Sri Lanka and Myanmar. In India, it is native to West Bengal, Karnataka, Kerala, and Bihar.

Varieties of Giloy:

  1. Tinospora sinensis
  2. Tinospora crispa
  3. Tinospora malabarica

Chemical constituents present in it:

Choline, Palmetin, Ethanol, Isocolumbin, Berberine, Aporphine, Tembetarine, Tinosporin, and Mangoflorine

Medicinal properties of Giloy:

  1. Rasa (Taste)- Tikta (Bitter) and Kashaya (Astringent)
  2. Guna (Quality)- Laghu (Light)
  3. Veerya (Potency)- Ushna (Hot)
  4. Vipaka (Undergoes taste conversion after digestion)- Madhura (Sweet)
  5. Karma (Effect on tridosha)- Tridoshahara (Balances vata, pitta and kapha)

Effects on Dosha:

It balances all the three doshas – kapha, vata, and pitta. But primarily, enhances the vata and kapha dosh. Giloy belongs to the group of rejuvenating herbs that provide relief from thirst and burning sensation. Giloy cures a lot of bleeding disorder problems, jaundice, anemia, cough and cold, leprosy, fever, worms in the stomach, etc.

Medicinal actions:

Adaptogenic, Anti-gout, Anticancer, Anti-stress, Immunomodulator, Mild Analgesic, Rejuvenative, Antacid, Anti-mutagenic, Antioxidant, Antipruritic, Anticancer, Carminative, Detoxifier, Digestive Stimulant, Hypo-glycemic, Diuretic, and Demulcent.

Ayurvedic Benefits of Giloy Herb:


Giloy is useful in various types of fever which includes bacterial and viral infections. This herb works as a natural immune-modulator and reduces the fever and duration of infection. It also provides strength to the body physically as well as mentally and treats symptoms related to fever-like fatigue, burning sensation, weakness, chills, excessive sweating, etc.

Skin diseases:

Giloy works as a natural detoxifier by removing impurities from the blood and also acts as an anti-inflammatory which reduces inflammation, swelling, redness, itching, burning sensation, etc. It also treats diseases like acne vulgaris, urticarial, pimples, etc.


In Ayurveda, giloy is mainly used in lowering uric acid levels and treating gout. This herb reduces the formation of uric acid on AMA toxins and improves metabolic activities in the body.

This herb also improves renal functioning and thus increases the elimination of uric acid through them. Being an anti-inflammatory, it decreases inflammation in the small joints.


Giloy works as a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory which prevents the damage caused by free radicals and reduces inflammation. As an analgesic, it reduces upper abdominal pain and provides relief.

This herb also works as a detoxifier that eliminates ama and clears oiliness and bad smell in stools. It also prevents damage to the pancreas.

Giloy benefits in dengue:

Giloy is an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory herb that reduces fever and inflammation in dengue fever. This herb is also considered an effective herb to increase platelet count mainly in dengue patients. Its regular intake helps in increasing immunity naturally.

How to take giloy?

A decoction of giloy herb can be used in the dosage of 15 to 60 ml. Its powder can also be taken up to 3 to 6 gm. A technique is done for extracting its satva which is used in fever.

Part used:

The most useful part of giloy is the stem and other parts like areal roots and leaves are also useful for medicinal purposes.

Benefits of giloy ghanvati:

Giloy ghanvati boosts up immunity, detoxifies the body, increases liver functioning and digestion, reduces stress by calming the brain, and is effective against various respiratory diseases.

Giloy dosage how much to consume daily:

Juice: 1 to 2 teaspoons daily

Powder: ¼ to ½ teaspoon daily

Note: Our purpose is to serve useful information related to Giloy ’s benefits, dosage, and other properties. It is advised to the patients not to consume giloy on the basis of this information. Before taking giloy as a medicine it is better to have an expert opinion because dosage and treatment vary from patient to patient depending on their symptoms and medical history.

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