Benefits of Bibhitaki, medicinal uses, dosage, and side effects
Bibhitaki also known as baheda and is one of the most important ingredients among the Triphala ie, Haritaki, Bibhitaki, and Amalaki. As per Ayurveda, this herb provides nourishment to the dhatus of the body and pacifies the vitiated tridoshas. Its pulp provides management to the eyes, hairs and prevents hoarseness of voice. It works tremendously all the seven dhatus of the body and proves a healthy life.
Botanical name- Terminalia bellerica
Family- Combretaceae

Meaning of shloka-
This shloka means that synonyms of Bibhitaki are Bibhitaki, aksha, karshphal, kalidrum, bhootvas, and kaliyugalya. It is sweet after digestion, astringent taste, works as a laxative, balances kapha and pitta dosha, has hot potency, is cold in touch, treats cough, is dry, good for eyes and hair, kills worms, and improve the voice.
(Reference- Bhavaprakasha nighantu- haritkyadi varga- page no. 9 and Shloka no. 35-36)
Names in different languages
- Hindi name- Bahuvirya, Bahera, Phinasa, Baheda, Bhaira, karshphal, Bhutvaas, Kalk
- English name- Bastard Myrobalan, Belleric myrobalan, Beach almond, Belliric myrobalan, and Bedda nut tree
- Punjabi name- Baheda
- Urdu name- Bahera
- Tamil name- Tokhandi, Todikai, Tanitamdi, Akkam, Thanakkai, Tanri, tanrikkai, Tani, Toandi, Kattuelupay, Semmaram, Thandi, Vibidagam, Thandri, Tamrikay
- Kannada name- Shanti Mara, Tare Kayi, Tode, Shanti kayi, Thani, Behara, Tharo, Thare, Vibhitaka, Tare Mara, Vibhita, Tara Mara
- Marathi name- Behda, Behada, Bahela, Bahda, Ghaatinga
- Telugu name- Taani, Tanikaya, Balla, Taadi, Bhutavasamu, Vibhitakamu, Tadichettu, Tandra, Tondi, Tandrachettu, Karshaphalamu
- Malayalam name- Thani, Thaanni, Adamarutha, Thannikka, Tusham, Thannymathan
- Gujarati name- Beda, Baheda
- Bengali name- Baheda, Bohera, Baida, Behri
- Manipuri name- Bahera
- Arabic name- baleelaj
- Farsi name- BaleelOriya name – Bahada
- Konkani name- Goting
- Assamese name- Bauri
- Nepali name- Barro
Synonyms in the Sanskrit language
Karshaphala- its fruit weights around 10 – 12 grams
Aksha phala- its fruit weighs around 10 – 12 grams and it is used to play a kind of betting game.
Kalidruma- As it is used in playing a betting game so it causes tensions (kalaha). Hence the tree which causes Kalaha is Kaidruma. (Druma meaning- tree).
Bhutavasa – It is the residence of devils
Other synonyms are Kaliyugaalaya, Baheda, Dharmadweshi, Madhujiva Haryaksha, Vasanta, Vaasanta, Kushalastusha, Vindhyajaata, Aksha, Tailaphala, Tilapushpa, Samvartaka, Romaharshana, Kalko, Kalpadruma, Haaryo, and Kalkivriksha
Morphological characteristics of Bibhitaki
Bibhitaki is a large-sized tree that grows up to the height of 30 meters. Its leaves are, long, oval in shape, and present in clusters towards the end of branches. These are 10 to 12 cm in length and 7 to 14 cm in breadth. The trunk of this plant is brownish grey. Flowers are generally solitary, and simple that is white or yellow with an offensive odor. These flowers bloom in May in which the upper part is male and the lower part is female. Its fruits are ovoid in shape and grey in color. This fruit resembles haritaki fruit but has no ridges.
Bibhitaki is found throughout India and the lower hills of Southeast Asia. It is cultivated in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Punjab.
Chemical constituents present in it
Chebugalic acid, sitosterol, oxalic acid, galloyl glucose, galic acid, tannins, mannitol, galactose, glucose, rhamnose, Proteins, tannins, fructose, etc.
Categorization according to classical books
According to-
Acharya Charaka-
- Jwarahara- Herbs that are useful in the treatment of fever.
- Kasahara- Herbs that are used for treating cough and cold
- Virechanopaga- herbs that are used for Virechana- Purgation therapy (Panchakarma).
- Acharya Sushruta and Vagbhatt- Mustadi group of herbs.
- Kaiyadeva Nighantu- Aushadi varga
- Bhavaprakasha Nighantu- Haritakyaadi varga
- Raja Nighantu- Aamraadi varga
- Shodala Nighantu- Guduchyaadi varga
- Dhanvantari Nighantu- Guduchyaadi varga
Medicinal properties
- Rasa (Taste)- Kashaya (Astringent)
- Guna (qualities)- Rooksha (dry) and Laghu (light)
- Vipaka (undergoes taste conversion after digestion)- Madhura (sweet)
- Veerya (potency)- Ushna (hot)
- Sparsha (touch)- Sheeta (Cold)
- Action (Effect on Tridosha)- Kaphapitta shamaka (Balances Kapha and Pitta dosha)
Medicinal uses as per Ayurveda
- Bhedanam- Eases motion and works as a laxative. So, Triphala is used as a mild laxative.
- Kasanashanam- Helps to treat cough and cold
- Netrahitam- It is good for the eyes
- Keshya- Helps to improve hair quality and promotes hair growth.
- Kruminashanana- Helps to relieve worm infestation in the intestine
- Vaisvaryanashana- It also helps to relieve hoarseness of voice
Bibhitaki also works as a blood detoxifier that detoxifies the blood, lymph, muscles, and fatty tissue of the body
Therapeutic uses
Boost immunity-
Due to the presence of bioactive components and antioxidant properties, Bibhitaki provides various remedies that improve the immune system and fight against microbes that cause infection in the body. As a natural antimicrobial, it stops or kills the growth of microbes in the body and uplifts overall health.
Ulcers and wounds-
The chemical constituents present in Bibhitaki help to enhance tissue regeneration and facilitate wound healing quickly. Due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic property, it reduces inflammation and pain. The oil extracted from its seeds is used for dressing wounds.
Bibhitaki has been used in Ayurveda for ages to treat constipation because it boosts the bile secretion by the liver which acts on peristalsis movements of the liver and intestine. Due to laxative properties, it reduces excessive mucus as well as fat content in the stools. Thus, prevents it from sticking to the intestinal wall and allows easy movement for eliminating it from the body.
Bibhitaki help in breaking down food particles in the intestine which triggers is the secretion of the digestive juices and thereby increases the absorption of essential nutrients through the intestine to the body. It also eliminates abdominal gas and reduces symptoms related to digestion-related disorders like abdominal bloating, distension, cramps, etc.
Respiratory disorders-
Bibhitaki works as a great expectorant and anti-asthmatic that eliminate the accumulated thick mucus in the nasal passage and aids in proper breathing. It also treats other disorders like bronchitis
Side effects-
There are no known side effects are seen when given in the proper dose but in excess, it may let to constipation and dry skin.
Part used- Seeds, Seed kernels, and Fruit rind
Dosage- 3 to 6 grams (Powder)
Some FAQs
Can Bibhitaki treat constipation?
Yes, Bibhitaki can treat constipation because of its laxative property, as it reduces excessive mucus content in the stools. Thus, prevents it from sticking to the intestinal wall and allows easy movement for eliminating it from the body.
Can Bibhitaki be used for hair?
Yes, Bibhitaki can be used for hair as it improves hair quality by providing nourishment to hair follicles and improves regrowth.
What are the side effects of Bibhitaki?
Bibhitaki can cause constipation and dry skin when used in overdose.
From this article, it is concluded that Bibhitaki is used to treat several disorders like indigestion, constipation, wounds, etc, and is good for hair. It has no side effects but uses with proper dosage as it can cause constipation and dry skin.
Note: Our purpose is to serve useful information related to Bibhitaki’s benefits, dosage, and other properties. It is advised to the patients not to consume it on the basis of this information. Before taking this as a medicine it is better to have an expert opinion because dosage and treatment vary from patient to patient depending on their symptoms and medical history.
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