Health Benefits of Aloe Vera (Ghritkumari) Medicinal Properties, Uses, and Dosage
Health benefits of Aloe Vera were recognized in ancient Indian, Roman, and Greek civilizations. The main function of Aloe Vera is to relieve itching, heal wounds, and treat swelling as well as inflammation because it works as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substance.
Overview of Aloe Vera (Ghritkumari)
Latin Name- Aloe barbedensis
Family- Liliaceae
Names of Aloe Vera in different languages:
- English Name- Aloe Vera, Indian Aloe
- Hindi Name- Gheekuvar, Rambans, Guarpatha, Ghikanvar
- Sanskrit Name- Gruha kanya, Kumari, Vipulasrava, Ghritkumari
- Telugu Name- Kalabanda
- Malayalam Name- Kattar vazha, Kumari, Kumara
- Bengali Name- Ghrita kumara
- Marathi Name- Kunvarpata, Korphad
- Tamil Name- Chirukuttali
- Kannada Name- Lolesara, Lolisara
- Gujarati Name- Kunwar Path
- Oriya Name- Kumara
Aloe vera Synonyms in the Sanskrit Language:
Aloe Vera is called Ghrit Kumari in the Sanskrit language and is referred to as a young girl. These names have two derivations:
The plant looks beautiful and young even after it grows old.
It is useful in various diseases of young girls like menstrual issues and pimples
Other synonyms of Aloe Vera Ghrit Kumari
- Maataa- It is just like a mother to the baby
- Ghrita kumarika- Leaves are having slimy pulp which is similar to ghee
- Ambudhisrava, Vipulasrava- It is having profuse gel in the leaves
- Amara, Ajara- Having both anti-aging and rejuvenating properties
- Deerghapatrika- It is having long leaves
- Dirgha patra, Sthula dala, Gruha kanya, Gandala
Aloe Vera Categorization according to classical books:
Raja Nighantu- Parpataadi varga
Kaiyadeva Nighantu- Aushadi Varga
Bhavapraksha Nighantu- Guduchyadi varga
Aloe Vera varieties:
At present, three varieties are mainly being used as kumari- A. Vera, A. Barbadensis, and A. Chinensis.
Meaning of this shloka-
It means that synonyms of Aloe Vera are kumari, ghrikanya, Kanya, ghritkumarika. It helps to treat constipation, cool in nature, have a bitter and sweet taste, is good for the eyes, aphrodisiac increases immunity and strength, treats liver and spleen disorders, fever, tumors, burns, blood disorders, and skin diseases.
(Reference- Bhavaprakash Nighantu- Page no. 404 and Shloka no. 229-230)
Morphological characteristics:
Aloe Vera is a perennial, shrubby, and pear-green colored plant whose stems are thick and stout. It grows up to 80 to 100 cm long and the root is of fibrous type. Leaves are thick, lanceolate, and flesh with sharp points, grow up to 18 inches long and 2 inches in width, triangular with green to grey-green. They consist of three layers and the middle layer has 99% water and 1% biochemicals in it.
The middle layer comprises latex and yellow color sap it. The outer layer is made up of 15 to 20 cells that protect the plant. Leaves can survive for years and years because they are rich in water. Its flowers are pendulous, cylindrical, and have dense racemes, yellow-colored and length is up to 2 to 3 cm. Roots are fibrous and thick. Fruits are of a triangular shape that contains plenty of seeds.
It is cultivated throughout India.
Effects on Dosha:
It maintains the equilibrium amongst all three doshas – vata, kapha and pitta. It is mentioned as the main ingredient for a lot of formulations like – Kumariasava, Rasayana, Vrasya, in the ancient Vedas and Samhitas by the various Acharyas and Vaidyas. Hence, one can conclude that with its essential medicinal properties, it is of one of the most sought after natural healing herb when it comes to medication. It is very good for eyes. Also, rejuvenates and balances the vata, acts as an aphrodisiac and adds to the physical strength.
Main chemical constituents:
Aloesin, Mannose, Galactose, barbaloin, Aloenin (bitter glucoside), Aloctin A (Glycoprotein), Aloe-Emodin, Alocutin A and B, Chrysophanol glycoside, b-sitosterol, Aldopentose, etc.
Medicinal properties of Aloe Vera
- Rasa (Taste)- Tikta (Bitter)
- Guna (Quality)- Guru (Heavy), Picchila (Slimy, sticky), and Snigdha (Unctuous, oily)
- Veerya (Potency)- Sheeta (cold)
- Vipaka (Taste conversion after digestion)- Katu (Pungent)
- Karma (Effect on tridosha)- Tridosha shaman (Balances three doshas)
- Flowers:
- Guna (Quality)- Guru (Heavy)
- Karma (Action)- Krimihara (Relieves worm infestation)
- Effect on doshas- Balances vata as well as pitta dosha
Health benefits of aloe vera according to Ayurveda:
- Gulmahara- Used in abdominal tumors
- Granthihara- Treats fibroids, lymphadenitis, small tumors
- Visphotahara- Relieves blisters and boils
- Bhedni- Treats constipation
- Pleehahara- Treats splenomegaly and other spleen disorders
- Agnidagdha- Treats burn wounds
- Kapha Jwarahara- Treats fever
- Twak roga- Useful in treating psoriasis, skin disorders
- Balya- It improves immunity and strength of the body
- Vrushya- Improves vigor and acts as an aphrodisiac
- Yakrut vruddhihara- Treats hepatomegaly and hepatitis
- Raktapittahara- Helpful in treating bleeding disorders like heavy periods, nasal bleeding, etc
- Chakshushya- Acts as an eye tonic, improves vision
- Pittaja kasahara- Used in treating cold and cough due to pitta dosha
- Vatahara- Useful in Vata dosha disorders like paralysis, constipation, bloating, neuralgia, etc.
- Rasayana- Helps in tissue rejuvenation, and acts as an anti-aging
- Shwasahara- Useful in treating asthma and other chronic respiratory diseases
Benefits of Aloe vera
Digestion: Aloe Vera acts as a cleanser that expels out harmful toxins from the body. In IBS and acid reflux it is useful because it reduces the number of unhealthy bacteria in the gut and keeps the intestine healthy as well as clean. Being a natural vermifuge, it keeps the body free from intestinal worms. Gelatin is present in it which absorbs the toxins and eliminates them through the colon. As a great alkalizer, it balances acidic pH levels in the body.
Skin health: Aloe Vera has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that prevent the damage caused by free radicals and treat inflammation. This herb also promotes the regeneration of skin cells. The active compounds present in it work as an analgesic that decreases pain. It has a strong healing agent in it which heals the non-healing wounds quickly. After applying on the skin it gives a cool and refreshing feeling. As it is mainly made up of water, it evaporates quickly and can be applied again and again on the skin daily. It also provides moisture to the dry and flaky skin and helps to treat skin ulcers, canker sores, psoriasis, genital herpes, etc.
Cardiovascular health: Many researchers have stated that when the juice of Aloe Vera is injected into the blood then it multiplies oxygen transportation and diffusion capabilities of RBCs. The compound beta-sitosterol helps to lower the blood cholesterol level. This herb also maintains blood pressure and lowers the risk of heart disorders naturally.
Part used:
Leaves pulp- 1 to 3 grams
Aqueous extract- 100 to 300 mg
Fresh juice- 10 to 20 ml
From this article, it is concluded that Aloe Vera shows various medicinal properties and its juice is very good for abdominal issues. But it can induce purgation also, so it is not good to take during diarrhea or dysentery. Do not take it during pregnancy and proper caution should be taken while using it in children and lactating mothers.
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