Joint problems are becoming common even in middle-aged people. Unhealthy eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, and various other factors are responsible for the development of many joint problems such as Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Spondyloarthritis, Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Lupus, Gout, Bursitis, etc. All these diseases can become troublesome in the long run and their proper treatment should be taken at the correct time. In this article, you’ll read some early symptoms that indicate the development of joint disorders. Take a look at these early symptoms of joint problems. 

Join Problems Symptoms:

  • Minor joint swelling

Mild inflammation of the joints is typically an early sign of joint problems. Swelling can make your joints appear bigger than normal. This swelling is normally associated with the warmth of the joints. Flare-ups can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks and this pattern can be expected to increase over time. Subsequent flare-ups may be felt before the development of joint problems. 

  • Joint pain

Joint pain or tenderness during movement or while at rest may be the sign of a joint disorder such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, etc. Joint pain may also affect both sides of the body equally. In early Rheumatoid arthritis, the most affected body areas are the wrists and the fingers. Other pain-occurring areas are the shoulders, ankles, feet, and knees.

  • Joint stiffness

Stiffness is one of the most common symptoms early signs of Rheumatoid arthritis. One must feel joint stiffness at any time of the day, whether they are active or not. Usually, the stiffness begins in the joints of the hands. Typically, it comes on slowly, although it can come on suddenly also and affect various joints.

  • Morning stiffness

Feeling stiffness in the joints immediately after waking up is also an indication of the joint problem. Morning stiffness may last for a few minutes after doing some body movements. If the stiffness lasts for several hours, it is generally a symptom of inflammatory arthritis and is typical of rheumatoid arthritis. 

  • Fatigue

If you feel unusual fatigue while resting or doing a little work, it means your body is not completely healthy. Fatigue can come before the onset of other symptoms in weeks or months. Fatigue may come and go. Fatigue is sometimes accompanied by a general feeling of sickness or even stress.

  • Fever

Joint pain and inflammation can be accompanied by a low-grade fever also, even before the development of some joint-related disorders. However, fever temperature may cross 38℃ sometimes and show indication of some serious illness.

  • Numbness and tingling

Numbness, tingling, or a burning sensation in the hands or other body joints may be the result of inflammation of tendons which can create pressure on the nerves. If you feel numbness or tingling more often in the hands and feet, check your daily routine activities which are damaging your joint health. 

Some other early signs and symptoms of joint problems

  • General weakness
  • Dry, itchy, or inflamed eyes
  • Dry mouth
  • Difficulty in sleeping


Consult an Ayurveda Expert

If you are feeling the above-given symptoms, then immediately consult an Ayurveda expert from Life Aveda absolutely free of cost by dialing +917743002520 or by visiting . All the doctors from Life Aveda are highly experienced and possess a vast knowledge of herb usage in the treatment of various diseases. You can get rid of acute as well as chronic diseases by using the highly effective medicines of Life Aveda.