Allergies of Pitta dosha or Allergic rhinitis lead to redness, and soreness of the eyes along with the itchiness, inflammation, redness and soreness in the nose. This condition is similar to the chopping of onions. The area of the liver may become upset and the irritation can be observed. There are several allergens also which can induce the allergies such as Citrus blossoms, and can initiate the attack of pitta allergy because these pollens are sour, sharp and hot. The same case is observed in the pollen of Anacardiaceae, Sumac family types including cashews and mangoes.
Allergies of Kapha lead to the feeling of heaviness and dullness in the head, stuffiness of nose, swelling of the eyes, loss of sleep, lethargy and excessive production of mucus. Asthma may also develop due to imbalance of Kapha dosha.
Allergy attacks caused by Vata dosha may be the result of dust exposure. Body symptoms of Vata Allergy attack include copious dryness on face, pain and dryness in the sinuses and the nose, throat also becomes dry and hoarse in sound.
Role of Vata dosha associated with Kapha and Pitta dosha is necessary to understand for treating them wisely.
Remedies and Tips for Vata's Allergy
Safety steps must be taken at least one month before the season of allergy. Some of the herbs and tips useful to manage Vata’s allergy are:
- Sesame oil: Do self-massage with sesame oil daily on the whole body. It will help you in reducing the impact of Vata allergy. Also, it will prevent the pushing of dosha into the head that gives annoying effects.
- Basti therapy: Basti or enema therapy is very beneficial in preparing your body against allergy season.
- Ashwagandha: Take one spoon of ashwagandha powder with milk before sleeping. It will maintain the normal balance of Vata dosha in the body.
- Avoid eatables such as astringent foods, bitter foods, beans, tomatoes, aubergines and potatoes as they annoy the Vata dosha.
- Avoid going in windy, cold and dry weather.
- Add herbs like Guggulu, Tulsi, Trikatu, etc in your diet.
- Consume Vata pacifying foods which contains salty, sour and sweet taste.
Herbs and Tips for Pitta related Allergies
The preparations to fight against the pitta related allergies are needed to begin around one month before the allergy season of Pitta. Here are some remedies and tips to manage pitta related allergies.
- Reduce the intake of sour, salty foods and induce the intake of salads, green vegetables, and foods with astringent and bitter taste.
- Consume cooked food rather than raw food.
- Avoid direct exposure with sunlight or hot conditions.
- To get relief from Pitta allergies, use herbs such as Brahmi, Neem, Shatavari, Triphala, Manjistha.
- You can also take herbal tea made with saffron, ginger, and fennel.
- To eliminate impure blood, Raktamokshana chikitsa (Bloodletting therapy) is very beneficial which should be performed under guidance of Ayurvedic expert only.
- Consume coconut water which will pacify Pitta dosha.
- Take enough amount of coriander juice.
Herbs and Tips for Kapha related Allergies
Kapha related allergies can annoy you a lot, so it is mandatory to treat it with following herbs and tips:
- Avoid all factors which can increase kapha allergic reactions.
- Reduce the intake of excess salty, sour and sweet foods.
- Prevent consumption of milk, cream, yogurt, cheese and other stagnant, cold and heavy foods.
- Stay home when it’s raining, cold or wet weather outside.
- Use oils made with herbs such as pippali, black pepper, etc which are very advantageous in Kapha related allergies.
- To get relief in the condition of running nose, congestion and sneezing, Nasal wash (Jala Neti) is very helpful.
- Intake of herbs like Tulsi, Triphala, Guggulu, Pippali, Trikatu, etc is also very beneficial.
Natural herbs instead of Antihistamines
The following herbs can be taken rather than antihistamines to balance the Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha):
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You should consult an Ayurvedic specialist if you feel any type of allergy over a long period of time. All above mentioned tips and remedies are very beneficial in providing relief and managing the allergic condition in the whole body. If you want to know your body prakriti type visit us and choose your treatment accordingly.