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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Ayurvedic Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – Types, Causes, and Symptoms

Irritable bowel syndrome which is also known as IBS may be defined as a functional disorder of the small intestine that causes chronic constipation, abdominal pain, discomfort, and irregular bowel habits. The disease is most common among 35-50 age group people and the exact cause of the disease is still unclear.

Changes in diet, lifestyle modifications, and regular exercises are helpful to treat the disease at an initial stage. However, if the condition is severe, then the proper treatment and medication is the only way out.

In Ayurvedic texts, IBS is termed as ‘Grahani” which refers to keeping the ability of the small intestine or duodenum. When there is a change in functions of the small intestine or duodenum, or when the bowel loses its control, or when there is weak absorption, the condition may be known as Grahani. The production of Toxins (Ama) and Poor Digestive fire (Mandagni) are considered the main cause of IBS in Ayurveda.

Types of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

IBS occurs in different forms and it is necessary to know them and that may help you to manage the problem. It is also mandatory to examine your symptoms and consult a healthcare provider for accurate and better treatment.


It is known as IBS with Constipation (IBS-C) and is very common. The condition results in decreased bowel movements, strain, and abdominal pain.


This type of IBS stands for IBS with Diarrhea (IBS-D) and is quite opposite of IBS-C.  The condition results in increased bowel habits, excessive gas formation, and abdominal pain.


It stands for IBS with abnormal bowel habits (IBS-A) and is also known as IBS with mixed bowel habits (IBS-M). In this condition, the bowel movements keep changing between diarrhea and constipation.


IBS-U is considered as an undefined subtype of IBS  in which the bowel habits, symptoms change in people, and do not relate to any of the above-mentioned types.

What are the Other Names for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)?

  • Irritable bowel.
  • Irritable colon.
  • Spastic colon.
  • Nervous stomach, since symptoms often happens when you’re feeling emotional stress, tension, and anxiety.

Symptoms of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

  • You may have changed bowel habits.
  • You may feel abdominal pain and cramping that will reduce after passing a stool.
  • You may feel to have a bowel movement even after passing a stool.
  • You may pass excess gas.
  • You may pass the mucus from the rectum.
  • You may have a sudden or urgent need to use the bathroom.
  • You may feel swelling or bloating in your abdomen.

Causes of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

The exact cause of IBS is unclear but the below-mentioned factors can play a role in causing IBS:

  • Muscle contractions in the intestine. 
  • Abnormal changes in the nerves of the digestive system.
  • Severe infection in intestines. 
  • Early life stress. 
  • Changes in gut microbes. 
  • Miscommunication between nerves in the brain and gut.

Who is at risk for Developing IBS?

The disease is most common in people who are in their late teens or early 40s. Women are at double the risk of developing IBS than men. You are at risk of developing IBS if:

  • Any of your family members are having IBS or had IBS in past.
  • You are experiencing any kind of tension and stress or anxiety.
  • You have a food intolerance.
  • You have been physically or sexually abused in past.
  • You have a severe digestive tract infection.

Diagnosis of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

Until now, there is no specific to diagnose IBS. Your doctor will perform a physical exam, examine the symptoms, and will seek your complete family history. The doctor may also recommend a blood test, stool samples, and X-rays to rule out any other disease.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Ayurvedic Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) mainly focuses on balancing the doshas, restoring the functions of the digestive system to normal, and removing the toxins from the body with natural herbs and Ayurvedic medicines or remedies. The balance in Pitta dosha helps to have regular bowel movements and proper digestion. For treating IBS naturally, Ayurvedic medicines or remedies are worth considering.

In Ayurveda, there are several natural herbs like Triphala, Harad, Saunf, Amla, etc. are helpful to deal with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and reduce its symptoms. Moreover, a well-balanced diet plan, lifestyle modifications, and reducing stress also help to cure IBS naturally.

Treatment Principles – According to Ayurveda

“Agnimandya” is the main causative factor for “grahani”. Therefore the use of agnivardhana, deepana, and pachana remedies is recommended. Lifestyle changes and dietary habits are important in the treatment for significant results. Basti, one of the Panchakarma procedures is especially advised for the correction of Vata Dosha and any other disease associated with the colon. To overcome the stress and another psychological factor, classical therapies in Ayurveda promote the use of Shirodhara with takra.

Apart from medication, yoga is highly recommended. The objective of yoga is to assist in increasing flexibility and strength, yet a strengthening objective is disposing of stress and decreasing symptoms of the disease. Certain yoga asanas might be more useful in alleviating the symptoms. These include Corpse position and Sun salutations.

Life Aveda IBS Care Pack

Life Aveda IBS care pack consist of supplements that in combination helps in IBS, indigestion, gastric issue, acidity, and other stomach disorders.

Premium Gastro G

Premium Gastro G is a perfect blend of herbs for promoting healthy bowel movements. It helps in curing the bleeding, inflammation of the digestive tract. The natural herbs in Premium Gastro G like Nagkesar are a very effective astringent that prevents and cures bleeding and inflammation of the intestines and colon.

Kutajghan Vati

Kutajghan Vati is an over-the-counter ayurvedic medicine primarily used for the treatment of diarrhoea, indigestion. The main constituents of Kutajghan Vati are Kutuj. Kutaj is an Ayurvedic medicine that contains active herbal ingredients. It is used to treat stomach related diarrhoea, IBS, fever, bleeding and many other problems. Along with strengthening the digestive power, it also increases the immune power.

Kamdudha Ras

Kamdudha Ras is an ayurvedic medicine that is used to relieve digestive problems, chronic fever, heartburn, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, weakness etc. Being made up of herbal and mineral ingredients, it is used for Ayurvedic treatment of many act as Antacid, possess anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-emetic, tonic, mild anti-depressant, adaptogenic, and Anti-vertigo properties.

These capsules contain a combination of very potent herbs to improve digestion and metabolism disorders. It also improves digestive and gut health. It works as a probiotic tonic. These capsules consist of combination of efficient herbs that works on indigestion and metabolic disorders. It also improves digestive and gut health. It works as a probiotic tonic.


IBS can be challenging and may interfere with your routine life. Though there is no specific treatment for the condition but dietary changes, lifestyle modifications and regular exercises can help you to manage and control the symptoms. To get more insights about IBS, their different types, home remedies, and diet plan for IBS, Reach Out to Our Ayurvedic Expert on WhatsApp at +91 7743002520 for free.

About Dr. Ranjana Kaushal

Dr. Ranjana Kaushal (MD Ayurveda) has 11 years of experience in the field of Ayurveda. Right now she is working as an Ayurveda consultant with Life Aveda. She has immense knowledge about herbs, their uses, and formulations. She has published articles related to many herbs and diseases in an international journal. She is also a degree holder in yoga and naturopathy. Read More..

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