Ankol (Alangium Salvifolium) Benefits, Medicinal Uses, Health Benefits, Dosage, and Side effect
Ankol (Alangium Salvifolium) is an herb found abundantly in India and has various medicinal uses. Since ancient times, it has been used in Ayurveda for the treatment of gut and its associated symptoms. This herb gains popularity after playing a role in the natural treatment of rabies infection which spreads due to a rabid dog bite.
This herb shows laxative and carminative action which makes it a powerful herb in treating gastric problems like flatulence, bloating, belching, etc. In Ayurveda, is also used to induce vamana and virechana in panchakarma. Athletes also use seeds of ankol to increase stamina and physical endurance for exercises.
Latin Name- Alangium salvifolium
Family- Alangiaceae
Ankol (Alangium Salvifolium) Names in different languages
- English name- Sage leaved alangium
- Hindi name- Ankol, Dhera
- Sanskrit name- Ankola, Nikochaka, Ankota, Deerghakeela
- Punjabi name- Ainkola
- Marathi name- Ankol
- Malayalam- Angolam, Irinjil
- Tamil Name- Elangi, Alandi
- Gujarati name- Ankol
- Telugu name- Udagu, Ankolamu, Urgen
- Marathi name- Ankol
- Urdu name- Ankola
- Kannada name- Arinjil, Ansaroli, Ankola, Ankolimara
- Bengali name- Aankod, Badh, Aankod
- Oriya name- Dolanku, Ankul, Baghonokhiya, Konkonlo
- Greek name- Ankola
- Chinese name- An kou la
- Spanish name- Ankola
Ankol (Alangium Salvifolium) Synonyms in the Sanskrit language
- Ankola, Peetasara, Ankota, Hundika, Deergha keela, Gudhapatra, Kotara, Madana
- Rechi- It is useful in virechana karma
- Gandhapushpa- Its flowers are fragrant
- Guptasneha- It yields oil
- Other synonyms are- Bhusita and Irikilla

Meaning of this shloka
It means that synonyms of ankol are Ankot, deerghaphala, Ankol and nikochak. It is pungent and astringent in taste, piercing and of hot potency, unctuous, light, treats worm infestation, pain, eliminates toxins, poison, skin diseases, kapha, blood disorders, and snakebite.
(Reference: Bhavaprakash nighantu: Page no. 350 and shloka no. 139-140)
Morphological characteristics
Ankol (Alangium salvifolium) is a tall and thorny tree that grows up to the height of 3 to 10 meters. Its bark is ash-colored, faintly fissured, and rough. Flowers are unisexual of about 2 to 4 cm long and are white.
It is native to the northern plains and dry regions of India. It is also cultivated in Sri Lanka, Africa, and China.
Categorization according to classical books:
- Raja Nighantu- Prabhadradi varga
- Dhabvantari Nighantu- Guduchyadi varga
- Kaiyadeva Nighantu- Oshadi Varga
- Bhavaprakasha Nighantu- Guduchyadi varga
Chemical Constituents:
Alangine, Alangicine, Ankorine, Marckine, Lamarckinine, Alangimarckine, Marckidine, Algangamide, and its leaves have proteins, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fixed oils, alkaloids, glycosides, and amino acids.
Medicinal properties of Ankol (Alangium Salvifolium)
- Rasa (Taste)- Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter) and Kashaya (Astringent)
- Guna (Qualities)- Snigdha (Unctuous), Teekshna (Strong and piercing), and Laghu (light to digest)
- Veerya (Potency)- Ushna (Hot)
- Vipaka (Undergoes taste conversion after digestion)- Katu (Pungent)
- Karma (Effect on tridosha)- Balances Pitta and Kapha dosha.
These are the medicinal properties of Ankol (Alangium Salvifolium) on which it works and shows great benefits.
Medicinal uses of Ankol (Alangium Salvifolium)
A medicated oil is prepared with ankola, ginger, garlic, devadaru, etc is used in treating disorders related to the ear as ear drops.
Fruit of Ankol
- Guru- Heavy in nature and balances Kapha dosha
- Balya- Improves immunity and strength
- Hima- Coolant nature
- Virechana- Purgative action
It is indicated in pitta imbalance and internal burning sensation and other conditions like sore throat, laryngitis, gastritis, sunstroke, etc.
Kshaya- Chronic respiratory diseases, Tuberculosis, and wasting of muscles
Vamaka- Useful in induce vomiting
Seed and bark:
- Shopha- Treats edema
- Rechana- Acts as a natural purgative
- Tuvara- Astringent in nature
- Teekshna- Shows strong and piercing activity
- Katu- Pungent in nature
- Visha- Useful in toxic conditions
- Krumi- Works in worm infestation (Intestine and wounds)
- Graharoga- Treats psychological disorders
- Ama- Eliminates harmful toxins that altered digestion
- Visarpa- Treats herpes
- Ahivisha- Useful in snake bite
- Mushaka- Used in rodent bite
- Asra- Treats blood vitiation disorders like a bleeding, abscess
- Kukkurvisha- Dog bite
- Shoola– Useful in abdominal colic
Ankol seeds Oil
This oil acts as a massage reliever
- Kaphavatahara- Balances vata and kapha dosha
- Twak dosha- Works in skin disorders and acts in skin detoxification
- Kushtaghana- Used in various skin disorders
- Keshakrut- Increases hairs length and improve quality
- Panat shonitanashana- It is useful in blood disorders as oral intake such as bleeding disorders, abscess, vascular disorders, etc.
It is used in nasya karma for anti-aging treatment
Therapeutic uses of Ankol (Alangium Salvifolium)
Ankol acts as an anti-inflammatory herb that helps in reducing inflammation in the liver. Its antimicrobial property fights against liver infections and maintains the bilirubin level in the body.
Ankol helps to treat urticarial naturally because it has an anti-inflammatory and soothing action on the body. The antipruritic action of this herb can treat urticarial and is an effective way to treat jaundice.
IBS and diarrhea
Root bark powder of ankol is given with rice water in loose stools or diarrhea because it helps to reduce the frequency of loose stools in IBS. The antimicrobial action of this herb helps to kill bacteria in the intestine and maintains the health of the body. Ankol shows great benefit in diarrhea.
The root bark of ankol helps to reduce symptoms related to influenza but mainly shows good action if the patient has a fever with chills and body aches by inducing sweating. It shows natural antipyretic action on the body.
Its roots show anti-inflammatory and analgesic action due to the chemical constituent salvifosides present in it which helps to reduce pain as well as inflammation in joints. The stem bark exhibits anti-arthritic activity which prevents the occurrence of symptoms related to arthritis.
Ankol provides strength and soothing action which gives relief from nerve irritation. Headache is caused due to nerve weakness and this herb works as a nerve tonic that provides strength to the nerves.
Various researches have shown that ankol has antitumor, antibacterial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antinociceptive actions. As all parts are useful, so it is used in pain, diabetes, epilepsy, and various inflammatory conditions.
These are the effective therapeutic uses of ankol which shows that it has various medicinal values.
Part used: Seed oil, flowers, fruits, and Root bark
Dosage of Ankol (Alangium Salvifolium)
Powder- 1 to 2 grams (3 to 6 grams for Vamana therapy)
Decoction- 50 to 100 ml
From this article, it is concluded that ankol is used as a purgative and emetic so its seeds and fruits should be used under medical supervision. So before taking ankol in pregnancy and lactation period you should consult the doctor.
Note: Our purpose is to serve useful information related to ankol’s benefits, dosage, and other properties. It is advised to the patients not to consume Ankol on the basis of this information. Before taking Ankol as a medicine it is better to have an expert opinion because dosage and treatment vary from patient to patient depending on their symptoms and medical history.
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