In this hectic lifestyle, stress is not less than the evil that is gradually spoiling our mental as well as overall health. Suffering from excess stress can put you at the risk of cardiovascular diseases, blood disorders, brain problems, and many other life-threatening situations. Stress is an unpleasant condition from which around 80% of the entire world’s population suffers at least once in their lifetime. The causes of stress vary from individual to individual. Some people suffer from financial conditions; some are stressed due to career goals, and many more. But the thing to know is that how to cope up with this stress to prevent numerous diseases and stress-induced conditions. In this article, we will tell you A to Z guide for managing stress conditions by altering some lifestyle habits.
A to Z guide for managing stress
- Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is one of the most beneficial methods to relieve stress. Use essential oils such as lavender or rosemary to treat headache and relaxing the body. It is a stress relief method that quickly gives a refreshing feel and fills the individual with positive energy.
- Bath time
Taking bath 2 times daily is effective in managing the stress levels and soothing the aching body muscles. Try to use lukewarm water for the bath that will give you peace and pleasure while bathing.
- Cleaning
Cleaning is not beneficial for everyone but doing the cleaning can help you in relaxing. Arrange all the items at their proper place and seeing all that is very satisfying for many people, especially those who love to stay clean and tidy.
- Dancing
Dancing is a well-known method to sweat and showing excitement level. Play your favorite songs on speakers and start dancing. Dance like nobody’s watching you. While dancing, the brain releases happy hormones in the whole bloodstream and reduces stress.
- Exercise
Doing daily exercise for a minimum of 45 minutes will help you in getting rid of stress, depression, anxiety and prevent numerous health-related ailments. Exercise will excrete our toxins and excess waste material present in the blood in the form of sweat.
- Foot massage
Soak your foot in cold or warm water to relax. After that try to get a foot massage on your own or with the help of an assistant. Foot massage is a great method to relax your mind and giving relief from the burden of stress.
- Get together
Arrange a get-together with your old school friends, colleagues, college mates or relatives will help you in sharing happy or sad moments with each other which further give you chance to spend some quality time and relieving stress.
- Hugs
Definitely, hugs are one of the best ways to relieve stress. Studies have also proven that hugs can improve memory and fill the brain with positive energy.
- Ice-cream
Go outside and get ice cream of your favorite flavor. This will stimulate your brain and boost up your mood.
- Jogging
Wake up early and go jogging for at least 30 minutes. The air quality is very fine in the early morning and breathing in fresh air stimulates your brain nerves and makes your day cheerful.
- Kissing
Kissing your partner will lower down anxiety and stress levels and spread love.
- Laugh
Watch comedy shows, movies, and videos on the internet or tv that will make you laugh. Laughing is also an exercise to reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. You can also join a laughter club in your city to laugh and also get a chance to communicate with new people.
- Music
Food is the need of the body to perform daily routine activities efficiently. Similarly, music is the need of your soul and emotions to stay calm as well as happy. Extract some time from your daily routine activities and listen to your favorite music.
- Nap
Taking a quick nap will do wonders for your health. Don’t feel bad about passing out at four in the evening.
- Outdoor activities
Instead of lying at home for the whole day, engage yourself in some outdoor activities such as gardening, cycling, playing outdoor games, etc.
- Plan ahead
Planning about your future can also help you in coping up with stress. Think about your life in the upcoming years and prepare a plan to get a bright future.
- Quiet time
Do meditation for a minimum of 20 minutes every day. Turn off your room lights and indulge in the stillness, as you forget the overwhelming world outside the room.
- Reading
Let the words sink in without your mind wandering somewhere else. Read comedy, knowledge-giving books, or documentaries of successful persons.
- Singing
Singing is also an effective way to burn out stress. Sing your heart out and empty your sad emotions in the form of words. Use your hairbrush as the microphone and start singing.
- Teas
Consume herbal teas like chamomile and lavender to reduce stress and relax your mind. Start your day with a fresh cup of herbal tea which is good for overall health and maintain your normal mental health.
- Unplug
Shut down all the social media accounts for a while and forget about what your known people are doing or what the world is going through at that moment.
- Video games
Occupy your mind with some cool things. Playing video games is a good way to divert the mind from negative thoughts and stress.
- Walking
Go for a morning or evening walk to breathe in the fresh air inside the lungs. Walking will increase the flow of blood and oxygen to the whole body organs and prepare them for healthy functioning. Your mind will feel fresh and relaxed after walking for at least half an hour.
- E(x)hale
Exhale out the air by counting from 10 to 0. Take 5-6 deep breaths by following the same pattern. This will bring your increased heart rate to the normal level and calm down the stress.
- Yoga
Yoga will help you to focus on your breathing and relax the mind. Sukhasana, Balasana, Paschumottanasana, Anand Balasana, and Uttanasana are some of the Yoga asanas especially performed for relieving stress, anxiety, and other mental conditions.
- Find your Zen
Figuring out the things that give you peace, oneness, and enlightenment is the last but not the least way to calm down stress and overthinking problems. Just like some people love to see ocean waves, hills, dark clouds, plants, fish tanks, etc, find your happy places and go with them.
Life Aveda Depression Care Pack
Life Aveda offers you a Depression care pack that helps you to get over this problem. There are two herbal supplements in the combo, one is De- Stress, and other is Brahmi.
Both this herbal supplement in combination helps to get rid of depression, anxiety, mood swings, irritability, and other mental disorders.
In this article, you have read the A to Z guidance to manage stress and improving your mental health. Follow the given tips to live a stress-free as well as disease-free life. Stress management should be done at the right time before it develops into a life-threatening condition and begins to harm your body.